Effective management of soil salinity – revising leaching norms
Theeffectivenessofthecurrentsoilsalinitymanagement,whichmainly relieson pre-season leaching based on static norms, is limited despite the relatively high leaching waterinput(400–500 mm).Thelowleachingeffectivenessisillustrated by the spatial...
Molecular diversity of Chickpea chlorotic dwarf virus in Sudan: High rates of intra-species recombination – a driving force in the emergence of new strains
In Sudan Chickpea chlorotic dwarf virus (CpCDV, genus Mastrevirus, family Geminiviridae) is an important pathogen of pulses that are grown both for local consumption, and for export. Although a few studies have characterised CpCDV genomes from...
Managing rangelands: promoting sustainable grass/forage species: Buffel Grass: A resilient, drought-tolerant forage species to alleviate feed shortages and feeding costs
One of the most drought-tolerant of the commonly sown grasses, Cenchrus ciliaris occurs naturally in areas with an average annual rainfall that ranges from 100 mm to approximately 1,000 mm, but most commonly between 300 and 750 mm. The grass...
Silvopasture is ideally suited to the dry areas where its application in agro-forestry production systems can help to improve fodder production, enhance soil health, and reduce erosion. In India, where the practice is traditionally used in...
Mapping soil salinity changes using remote sensing in Central Iraq
Salinization is a common problem for agriculture in dryland environments and it has greatly affected land productivity and even caused cropland abandonment in Central and Southern Iraq. Hence it is of pressing importance to quantify the spatial...
Assessment of on-farm conservation of dryland agrobiodiversity and its impact on rural livelihoods in the Fertile Crescent
The Fertile Crescent encompasses a mega-center of diversity of crops and livestock of global importance. The International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA) coordinated a 5-year regional project funded by the Global...
Farmers’ Perceptions of Water Policies: A Case Study from the Jordanian Badia
This report reviews a case study of farmers’ perceptions of policies and regulations to improve water security in the Jordanian Badia. The aim is to improve water management and conservation by engaging all stakeholders, in particular farmers...
Managing rangelands: promoting sustainable native grass species: Stipa lagascae: A heavy, adaptable grass that provides high quality hay
Stipa lagascae is a perennial bunchgrass that is highly palatable for livestock. It is also harvested and dried as high quality hay for summer feed. This plant is found in humid to arid areas across the Mediterranean and is flexible to...
One of the most commonly planted shrubs in the Mediterranean, Atriplex halimus is known for its remediation of degraded rangelands and salt-affected areas. It is commonly used as a forage plant for sheep and goats in arid areas and contributes...