Production potential of Lentil (Lens culinaris Medik.) in East Africa
Lentil (Lens culinaris Medik.) could possibly become a major crop in East Africa due to its many uses as a food and feed. Also, its ability to undertake symbiotic nitrogen fixation is an advantage over cereal crops. This study simulated lentil...
Review of the reproductive performances of sheep breeds in Ethiopia
There are numerous benefits of reviewing the current state of knowledge related to the reproductive performances and characteristics of Ethiopian sheep. First, compilation of this information serves as a resource material for scientists actively...
Economic efficiency measures and its determinants for irrigated wheat farms in Tunisia: a DEA approach
The objectives of this study are twofold. Firstly, we aim to measure the technical, scale and economic efficiencies for a sample of 170 cereal farmers in Chebika region (Central Tunisia) using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) method. Secondly...
Performance of improved practices in farmers’ fields under rainfedand supplemental irrigation systems in a semi-arid area of Pakistan
In Pakistan, like many of the developing countries, crop yields under dryland agriculture are very low.This field research aimed at investigating improving land and water productivities and farmers’ incomesthrough improved water management, crop...
Spatial Variability of Selected Soil Attributes under Agricultural Land Use System in a Mountainous Watershed, Ethiopia
In the Ethiopian Highlands, research projects were often measuring soil attributes of spatially structured point data but soil variability at a watershed scale is not clearly defined. This study was conducted to assess the correlation among...
Managing rangelands: promoting sustainable tree species: Leucaena leucocephala: A versatile tree producing nutritious fodder for ruminants
Leucaena leucocephala is used mostly as forage for livestock, both after cutting for use as fodder, or direct grazing, typically planted in hedgerows with grass. It responds well to a coppice system and branches vigorously.
Characterization of Indigenous Goat Populations in Selected Areas of Ethiopia
The objective of this study was to characterize Bati, Borena and Short-eared Somali goat populations kept under traditional management systems. The survey conducted in three locations; namely Bati, Borena and Siti (the previous Shinille)...
First molecular isolation of Mycoplasma ovis from small ruminants in North Africa
Eperythrozoonosis is a small ruminant disease caused by the bacterium Mycoplasma ovis (formerly known as Eperythrozoon ovis). Whilst acute infection in sheep may result in an anaemia and ill thrift syndrome, most animals do not develop clinical...
Comparison of four EVI-based models for estimating gross primary production of maize and soybean croplands and tallgrass prairie under severe drought
Accurate estimation of gross primary production (GPP) is critical for understanding ecosystem response to climate variability and change. Satellite-based diagnostic models, which use satellite images and/or climate data as input, are widely used...
The Practical Implementation of Conservation Agriculture in the Middle East
This publication is designed to help innovative farmers, machinery manufacturers, extension specialists, and researchers learn more about conservation agriculture (CA) in the Middle East, especially the practicalities of implementing the various...