Measuring the effectiveness of extension innovations for out-scaling agricultural technologies
Low adoption levels of agricultural technologies undermine the impacts of national and international agricultural research. Using a combination of an ordered logit and Heckman selection models and a case study from an out-scaling program for a...
New vegetation type map of India prepared using satellite remotesensing: Comparison with global vegetation maps and utilities
A seamless vegetation type map of India (scale 1: 50,000) prepared using medium-resolution IRS LISS-IIIimages is presented. The map was created using an on-screen visual interpretation technique and has anaccuracy of 90%, as assessed using 15...
Seedling and adult plant resistance of barley genotypes to stripe rust pathogen (Puccinia striiformis f. sp. hordei)
The incidence of stripe rust may be very serious in susceptible varieties and result in heavy yield losses.Both minor and major genes are known to provide stripe rust resistance in barley. Finding and characterising such sources of resistance to...
Cactus cultivation as adaptation method for women in Egypt
The blog is based on book chapter Najjar, D. (2015). Women's Contributions to Climate Change Adaptation in Egypt's Mubarak Resettlement Scheme through Cactus Cultivation and Adjusted Irrigation. In Buechler, S. and Hanson, AM. (Eds). A Political...
Effects of salinity and drought on early seedling growth and survival of Artemisia herbaalba
Seedlings of Artemisia herba-alba grown in glasshouse were watered with differing salinities (0, 150, 250 or 350 mM NaCI) and watering frequencies of 3, 7, 14 or 21 days for a period of 6 weeks. At the end of the study, plant survival, dry...
Selection and socio-economic and biophysical characterization of Gumara-Maksegnit watershed research site
Bread wheat is one of the most staple food crops in the world and one of the most important cereals cultivated in Ethiopia. The most suitable agro-ecological zones for wheat production fall between 1,900 and 2,700 meters above sea level...
Managing rangelands: promoting sustainable tree species: Acacia modesta: A frost-resistant and drought-tolerant tree ideal for alleviating feed shortages and feeding costs
Acacia modesta, commonly known as Phulai, is a member of the family Fabaceae (also called Leguminosae) and sub-family Mimosaceae. It is a deciduous, slow-growing small tree with thorny young shoots and dark brown and black wood. In natural...
Review of the reproductive performances of sheep breeds in Ethiopia: Documenting existing knowledge and identifying priority research needs
There are numerous benefits of reviewing the current state of knowledge related to the reproductive performances and characteristics of Ethiopian sheep. First, compilation of this information serves as a resource material for scientists actively...
A pilot study on the effect of Cu, Zn, and Cd on the spectral curves and chlorophyll of wheat canopy at tiller stage
The aim of this study was to investigate canopy spectral reflectance responses to different levels of heavy metals copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), and cadmium (Cd) induced stress. Random blocks design experiment was conducted to simulate Cu, Zn, and Cd...
Melatonin administration enhances the reproductive capacity of young rams under a southern Mediterranean environment
This study tested the effect of melatonin treatment, initiated in late February on reproductive traits of young rams. A total of 14 young Barbarine rams were used. Seven animals were treated with three melatonin subcutaneous implants (Melatonin)...