Genetic Diversity in Lens Species Revealed by EST and Genomic Simple Sequence Repeat Analysis
Low productivity of pilosae type lentils grown in South Asia is attributed to narrow genetic base of the released cultivars which results in susceptibility to biotic and abiotic stresses. For enhancement of productivity and production...
Priming effect of 13C-labelled wheat straw in no-tillage soil under drying and wetting cycles in the Loess Plateau of China
he objectives of this study were to determine the effects of drying and wetting (DW) cycles on soil organic carbon (SOC) mineralisation and on the priming effect (PE) induced by the addition of 13C-labelled wheat straw to long-term no-tillage...
Predicted Willingness of Farmers to Adopt Water Harvesting Technologies: A Case Study from the Jordanian Badia (Jordan)
Water-harvesting practices, which capture and concentrate surface runoff for crop or range production, can help to re-establish the productive functioning of Jordanian Badia environments. The main objective of this study is to assess the rate of...
Mapping paddy rice planting areas through time series analysis of MODIS land surface temperature and vegetation index data
management of water resources, and estimation of greenhouse gas (methane) emissions. Paddy rice agriculture has expanded rapidly in northeastern China in the last decade, but there are no updated maps of paddy rice fields in the region. Existing...
Commercial behaviours of smallholder farmers in wheat seed use and its implication for demand assessment in Ethiopia
The article presents the commercial behaviour and its determinants of smallholder farmers in wheat seed use, and its implication for seed demand assessment, based on primary data from 524 wheat farmers in the major wheat growing areas covering...
Monitoring surface run-off and soil erosion processes
Within the ‘Unlocking the potential of rainfed agriculture in Ethiopia for improved rural livelihoods’ (UNPRA) project, the University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria (BOKU) research focuses on the establishment...
Assessment of current land use and potential soil and water conservation measures on surface run-off and sediment yield
Soil erosion has accelerated in most regions of the world, especially in developing countries, due to various socio-economic and demographic factors and limited expertise (Bayramin et al., 2002). Geographically, soil erosion is more severe in...
Lentil Variation in Phenology and Yield Evaluated with a Model
Lentil (L ens culinaris Medik.) is a major crop highly valued in the food and nutritional security of millions of people, as well as a rotation crop. Lentil is grown in areas facing many environmental constraints from low moisture availability...
This working paper provides a synthesis of the climate change assessment studies undertaken in Iraq and Jordan in the context of the IFAD-funded and ICARDA-implemented Project ‘Improving food security and climate change adaptability of livestock...
Managing rangelands: promoting sustainable grass forage species: Birdwood grass (Cenchrus setigerus): A resilient, drought-tolerant perennial grass for pastures in hot, dry areas
Cenchrus setigerus, commonly known as Birdwood grass, is one of the most drought-tolerant perennial grasses. Native to East Africa and Western Asia between latitudes 30⁰N and 30⁰S, this grass occurs naturally in areas with average rainfall...