A SNP marker for the selection of HfrDrd, a Hessian fly-response gene in wheat
The HfrDrd gene has been reported to be induced specifically in the wheat's defence response to Hessian fly larvae and is not a general stress-responsive gene. The gene is located on chromosome 7DS with a homeologue on 7AS. In this study, two...
Genome-Wide Association Mapping of Yield and Grain Quality Traits in Winter Wheat Genotypes
The main goal of this study was to investigate the genetic basis of yield and grain quality traits in winter wheat genotypes using association mapping approach, and identify linked molecular markers for marker assisted selection. A total of 120...
Total Factor Productivity Growth of the Tunisian Agricultural Sector: A review of historical trends and main determinants
The objective of this paper is to calculate the total factors productivity (TFP) growth of the Tunisian agricultural sector, between 1961 and 2012, and to assess its main determinants. Data about agricultural inputs and outputs was collected for...
Field evaluation of durum wheat landraces forprevailing abiotic and biotic stresses in highlandrainfed regions of Iran
Biotic and abiotic stresses are major limiting factors for high crop productivity worldwide. A landrace collection consisting of 380 durum wheat (Triticum turgidum L. var. durum) entries originating in several countries along with four check...
Proline content as a stress indicator to quantify conservation agriculture effect in wheat crop
The field study was conducted to evaluate the effect of tillage, crop residue retention and crop rotationon proline concentration in flag leaves of wheat as an important factor influencing future grain quality and yield during the grain filling...
Heat-tolerant wheat transforms food production and policy for Sudan
An integrated wheat package introducing heat-tolerant wheat varieties that can withstand temperatures greater than 38°C is transforming farmer fields in Sudan and showing policy-makers a new road to food security.
Effect of sowing time, varieties and plant growth regulators on growth, physiological indices and productivity of coriander (Coriandrum sativum)
A field experiment was conducted during winter (rabi) seasons of 2011–12 and 2012–13 at Agronomy Farm, Jobner, Rajasthan, to study the response of coriander (Coriandrum sativum L.) varieties to plant-growth regulators under normal and late-sown...
Third visit Activities Report on Ph.D. Research Fellowship (Sufian Suliman Mohammed), from 10 May - 9 September 2015
The third visit to ICARDA site was organized to do part of the doctoral study - needed to do the quality analysis for the wheat materials that was planted in the field experiments at second season, in addition to association mapping analysis.
Characterization for DUS descriptors and environmental interaction studies for grain protein and starch content in barley (H. vulgare)
This study was carried out to characterize released Indian barley varieties for distinctiveness, uniformity and stability during rabi, 2012-13 and 2013-14 at Karnal and Faizabad. A total 79 genotypes were observed with erect growth habit, while...
Evaluation of faba bean breeding lines for spectral indices, yield traits and yield stability under diverse environments
Drought is a major limiting factor in faba bean (Vicia faba L.) production in the Mediterranean region, which is known for its irregular water distribution and moderate moisture levels (similar to 500 mm rainfall). In this study, faba bean...