First report of Chickpea chlorotic dwarf virus naturally infecting chickpea in Tunisia
Chickpea (Cicer arietinum) is one of three important legume species grown in Tunisia. Five viral species are known to infect chickpea in Tunisia: Bean leaf roll virus, Beet mosaic virus, Beet western yellows virus, Chickpea chlorotic stunt virus...
Genetic Relationship and Diversity Analysis of Faba Bean (Vicia Faba L. var. Minor) Genetic Resources Using Morphological and Microsatellite Molecular Markers
Assessment of genetic diversity is an essential component in germplasm characterization and utilization. Molecular markers serve as a valuable tool to assess the genetic variation and germplasm identification, which play a key role for faba...
Genetic diversity and structure in Egyptian indigenous sheep populations mirror patterns of anthropological interactions
Human exchange networks are instrumental in influencing gene flow among domesticates. Here, we investigated levels of within- and between-population genetic diversity in 289 animals from six indigenous sheep populations in Egypt (Barki, Farafra...
Strengthening national seed systems for household food security in developing countries
This report is a synthesis of the research and development work done in past years by ICARDA’s Seed Section of Biodiversity and Integrated Gene Management, with a number of partner countries in Africa and Asia to improve the performance of...
Genetic variation in winter barley and selection of high yielding lines
Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) is an important crop with excellent nutritious feed and food grain. Winter barley, in particular, is predominantly grown in highland under rainfed systems due to its ability to tolerate cold. However, it has low...
Les performances des petites exploitations irriguées de la basse vallée de la Medjerda en Tunisie
Malgre´ les efforts de la recherche et les multiples interventions desE´ tats, la productivite´ des ressources en eau, terre et capital, reste souvent limite´e, notamment en Tunisie. Cette e´tude pre´sente un cadre d’analyse des performances des...
Characterization and Assessment of Genetic Diversity of Wild Date Palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) in Jordan
This study was conducted to survey and characterize wild populations of date palm in Jordan. Phenotypic parameters either vegetative, leaf morphology, physical and chemical properties of fruits, and genetic diversity within and among populations...
Scaling up best practices for managing Awassi dairy sheep to small scale sheep farmers in West Asia
This working paper presents an overview of the results of an ICARDA project to provide Awassi sheep farmers in Syria and Lebanon with the latest knowledge on best practices for managing sheep to improve their income. The project provided ICARDA...
Chemical composition, insecticidal and in vitro anthelmintic activitiesof Ruta chalepensis (Rutaceae) essential oil
Antipathogenic properties of plants’ essential oils have been investigated to substitute for drugs henceovercome drug resistance. This study investigated the insecticidal and antigastrointestinal parasite effectsof fresh leaves and flower...
New resistance sources to Russian wheat aphid (Diuraphis noxia) in Swedish wheat substitution and translocation lines with rye (Secale cereale) and Leymus mollis
Russian wheat aphid is an important pest in many wheat growing countries of the world. Different resistance genes to the pest have previously been identified. However, some biotypes of the pest are virulent to most of these genes. Swedish wheat...