Strategic Feeding Alternating a 2-months’ Feeding Restriction and a Short Boost of the Feeding Level Increases Conception Rate in Sheep
This study aimed to investigate if feeding patterns prior to and after artificial insemination (AI) affect the reproductive performances of ewes. Two breeds were used; the Barbarine (n = 133) and Queue Fine de l’Ouest (QFO; n = 129). For each...
Impacts of Soil Salinity on the Productivity of Al-Musayyeb Small Farms in Iraq: An Examination of Technical, Economic and Allocative Efficiency
The objective of the study was to investigate how smallholder farm communities could sustain economically viable agricultural production in the salt-affected areas of Al-Musayyeb in ‘Central Iraq’. It aims at opening a new dimension to farmers...
تطبيق نظام القياسات المائية (WAS) ورفع انتاجية المياه في حوضي العاصي الاعلى والأوسط. WEAP modeling-based study of Water Accounting System and levels of water productivity in the Upper and Middle Orontes River Basin.
Freshwater used unsustainably in the upper and midmost Orontes basin (from Syrian - Lebanese borders to Rastan dam). In Syria country, water predicted to become scarce by 2020 due to demand continuing to grow in parallel with increased...
Caravan 31: Coping with climate change in dry areas
This issue of Caravan showcases some of ICARDA’s efforts of coping with climate change in dry areas with improved water land management and resilient production systems. These include initiatives in conservation agriculture which provide...
Effect of some Herbicides in Controlling Broomrapes (Orobanche spp.) and Major Weeds in Food Legumes (Chickpea, Lentil and Faba Bean)
The effect of four herbicides, namely: imazethapyr, pendimethalin, imazapic and aclonifen in controlling broomrapes (Orobanche spp.) and major weeds in food legumes was studied. The herbicides were used as mixture in pre-emergence treatment...
Effect of stocking rate on biomass variation and lamb performances for barley stubble in Tunisian semi arid region and under conservation agriculture conditions
The integration of livestock in the practices of conservation agriculture (CA) was assessed in Tunisian semi-arid conditions. Forty five Barbarine lambs (aged 220 ± 10 days, average body weight 20 ± 2.5 kg) were used in a performance trial...
Explaining Adoption and Measuring Impacts of Conservation Agriculture on Productive Efficiency, Income, Poverty and Food Security in Syria
This study employs the Heckman selection model to identify factors affecting the adoption of zero tillage (ZT) and measure its yield, income, and consumption impacts among Syrian wheat producers. A stochastic production frontier model is also...
Profitability Analysis of Zero Tillage among Smallholder Farm Households in the Karak Region of Jordan
There is rich literature on the biophysical benefits of zero tillage (ZT) while that on its economic benefits, especially in the context of small and medium-scale farmers, is scanty. Using a combination of Propensity Score Matching (PSM) and...
Reliable high-throughput Phenotyping Tools to assess Adaptive Traits for Wheat in Drought Environments
This project successfully demonstrated the value of ICARDA’s elite drought nurseries for the CWANA region and highlighted the opportunity to breed for specific adaptations. The great environmental diversity of the CWANA region, particularly...