Effets des caractéristiques démographiques et économiques des consommateurs sur la perception de la qualité des viandes en Tunisie
Ce travail a pour objectif d’analyser le niveau et les déterminants de la perception de la qualité des viandes en Tunisie. La méthodologie est basée sur la construction de deux indices de qualité : Moyenne des Scores des Attributs (MSA) et...
Genetic diversity and structure of goats within an early livestock dispersal area in Eastern North Africa
In this study we genotyped 14 microsatellites to assess genetic diversity, population stratification and demographic dynamics using Egyptian local goats (Zaraibi, Baladi, Saidi and Barki) and the Shami (Damascus) goat from the Middle East and...
Review of sheep crossbreeding based on exotic sires and among indigenous breeds in the tropics: An Ethiopian perspective
The objective of this review paper is to examine whether or not sheep crossbreeding is a feasible option to improve indigenous sheep breeds in developing countries using Ethiopian case as example. The paper reviewed and discussed the history of...
Soil indicators to assess the effectiveness of restoration strategies in dryland ecosystems
Soil indicators may be used for assessing both land suitability for restoration and the effectiveness of restoration strategies in restoring ecosystem functioning and services. In this review paper, several soil indicators, which can be used to...
AMMI model to analyse GxE for dual purpose barley in multi-environment trials
The highly significant effects of environments, genotypes and interactions were observed for forage and grain yield. The environmental effects explained the major portion of the total variance as of 82.3% and 58.8% respectively. Indicated that...
Widening the Genetic Base of Indian Barley Through the Use of Exotics
The genetic base of improved varieties is becoming increasingly narrow due to the commonness of one or more parents in their ancestry. Thus, improved varieties may become vulnerable to the diseases, insect-pests and other stresses due to genetic...
Effective Mechanized Rainwater Harvesting: Coping with climate change implications in the Jordanian Badia
Research on micro-catchment rainwater harvesting techniques by ICARDA and Jordanian scientists has led to the establishment of semicircular bunds on contour ridges and furrows (using GPS laser-guided Vallerani machine) and runoff strips in two...
Recurrent 3-day cycles of water deprivation for over a month depress mating behaviour but not semen characteristics of adult rams
This study aimed to investigate the effect of water deprivation (WD) on reproductive traits of rams. Ten mature rams were used and allocated to two groups balanced for body weight. Control (C) rams had free access to drinking water, while water...
Effect of Genotype, Environment and Malting on the Antioxidant Activity and Phenolic Content of Indian Barley
Seventy-two Indian barley varieties were screened for their antioxidant activity for 2 years using two antiradical systems. Differences in the levels of antioxidant activity in 2 years were obtained, but the genotypic differences still remained...
Multiple genomic signatures of selection in goats and sheep indigenous to a hot arid environment
Goats and sheep are versatile domesticates that have been integrated into diverse environments and production systems. Natural and artificial selection have shaped the variation in the two species, but natural selection has played the major role...