Correlation of polyphenolic content with radical-scavenging capacity and anthelmintic effects of Rubus ulmifolius (Rosaceae) against Haemonchus contortus
Phenolic content, antioxidant and anthelmintic activities of herbal extracts are of particular interest to drug industry; plant extracts with significant anthelmintic activity have the potential to be used as alternatives to conventional...
The Effect of Differential Water Regimes on the Yield of Wheat (Triticum aestivum L., T. durum Desf.) under Dry Conditions of Jordan as indicated by Chlorophyll Content
This thesis was submitted by Yahya Mustafa BaniKhalaf in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the MSc degree in Plant Production at the Faculty of Graduate Studies (Jordan University of Science and Technology) under the co-supervision of...
Supplemental irrigation potential and impact on downstream flow of Karkheh River Basin of Iran
Supplemental irrigation of rainfed winter crops improves and stabilizes crop yield and water productivity. Although yield increases by supplemental irrigation are well established at the field level, its potential extent and impact on water...
Economics of Water Productivity Part I: Theoretical Background (May 5, 2016)
A presentation on What are the best ways of allocating scarce water to the many users that need it? And how can we stimulate that agricultural technologies be used and/or adopted for use?. It was given during the Improving Water Productivity in...
Economics of Water Productivity Part II: Theoretical Background (May 5, 2016)
This presentation "Economics of Water Productivity Part II: Practical / Empirical Analysis" was given during the Improving Water Productivity in Agricultural Systems training Course, which was held in Amman, Jordan.
Morphological and molecular genetic diversity of Syrian indigenous goat populations
Domestic goats in Syria may provide an interesting source of genetic variability due to its proximity to the centers of domestication. This study aimed to assess the morphological variation, genetic diversity and population substructure of the...
Genetic Analysis for Some Quantitative Traits in some populations of Faba Bean
Five populations of faba bean were advanced from F2 to F3 generations by simple recurrent selection at Terbol research station, International Centre for Agricultural Research in The Dry Areas (ICARDA), Lebanon. During the growing season summer...
Chapter Three - Climate Change and Agriculture: Adaptation Strategies and Mitigation Opportunities for Food Security in South Asia and Latin America
During the past two centuries, the world has witnessed a remarkable increase in the atmospheric concentrations of the greenhouse gases (GHGs), namely carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and nitrous oxide (N2O), as a result of human activities...
Opuntia is cultivated on over 100,000 ha for fruit production and more than a million ha is devoted to obtaining forage and fodder for cattle, sheep, and goat production in main cactus pear producer countries (Inglese, 2010). Other products from...
Organic Carbon and Alkalinity Increase in Topsoil after Rangeland Restoration through Atriplex Nummularia Plantation
This research studied the impact of fodder shrub plantations (Atriplex nummularia Lindl.) on topsoil properties, with particular reference to organic carbon, nitrogen, and soluble salts, in the Marrakech region (central Morocco). The studied...