Measurement of the aboveground biomass of some rangeland species using a digital nondestructive technique
Plant biomass is usually assumed to be positively correlated with canopy cover. Measurements of canopy cover can now be easily and precisely made through image processing of high-resolution digital photography. This study aims to determine rapid...
Measurement of the total factor productivity and its determinants: the case of the wheat sector in Tunisia
The main objectives of the current study are to quantify the Total Factor Productivity (TFP) growth of durum wheat sector in Tunisia and to identify its main determinants. The Malmquist index approach was applied for the calculation of TFP...
Agriculture is the largest user of the world's freshwater resources, consuming 70% of the available supply (UNW-DPAC 2011). As the world's population rises and consumes more food, and industries as well as urban developments expand, water...
Impact of improving water-use efficiency on its valuation: The case of irrigated wheat production in Tunisia
The main objectives of this study are to evaluate the impact of irrigation water use efficiency improvement on enhancing the value of water used for irrigation; and to estimate the potential for private water cost reductions in irrigated durum...
An Econometric Study of Spring Potatoes Production in Hama Governorate (Al Ghab Region) in Syria
The present study was conducted in the province in AL Ghab region(Hama- Syria) during the 2010/2011 cropping season. A random sample of 103 farmers from spring potato farmers in the study area was used. The objective of the study is twofold...
Tapping Rice Fallows to Boost Pulses Production in India
India is globally the largest consumer of pulses with millions, particularly the poor, dependent on them for food and nutrition. It is also the largest importer of pulses and faces increasing dependence on imports as pulses demand is projected...
Adoption Perspectives of Direct Seeding in the High Plains of Sétif - Algeria
This study aims to analyze the adoption perspectives of the Conservation Agriculture (CA) through the recognition of the cautions and advantages of cereal Direct Seeding (DS) in semiarid high plains of Sétif (Algeria). A survey covers a sample...
AMMI, GGE biplots and regression analysis to comprehend the G x E interaction in multi-environment barley trials
The present study was carried out to ascertain the stable genotypes, environments discrimination and genotype by environment crossovers using different stability models. In AMMI ANOVA, genotype x location interaction implied substantial...
Global changes, livestock and vulnerability: the social construction of markets as an adaptive strategy
Nowadays, livestock producers in Sahel have to deal not only with climate variability but also with changes in land use and policies that restrict access to pasture and increase their vulnerability. At the same time, the growth of urban...
Identification and Characterization of Salt Tolerance of Wheat Germplasm Using a Multivariable Screening Approach
Salinity is one of the major limitations to wheat production worldwide. This study was designed to evaluate the level of genetic variation among 150 internationally derived wheat genotypes for salinity tolerance at germination, seedling and...