Enhancing the performance of regional land cover mapping
Different pixel-based, object-based and subpixel-based methods such as time-series analysis, decision-tree, and different supervised approaches have been proposed to conduct land use/cover classification.However, despite their proven advantages...
Development of a panel of unigene derived polymorphic EST-SSR markers in lentil using public database information
Lentil (Lens culinaris Medik.), a diploid (2n = 14) with a genome size greater than 4000 Mbp, is an important cool season food legume grown worldwide. The availability of genomic resources is limited in this crop species. The objective of this...
New faba bean germplasm with multiple resistances to Ascochyta blight, chocolate spot and rust diseases
Faba bean is one of the oldest crops that originated in the Fertile Crescent and is now distributed around the world and produced under different agro-climatic conditions. It is mainly cultivated in high rainfall and irrigated areas which are...
Reduction of Winter Wheat Yield Losses Caused by Stripe Rust through Fungicide Management
Stripe rust of winter bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) causes substantial grain yield loss in Central Asia. This study involved two replicated field experiments undertaken in 2009–2010 and 2010–2011 winter wheat crop seasons. The first...
Young Researcher wins CIRAD award on Tropical Veterinary Medicine
Ms. Mariem Rouatbi, Phd candidate and young Dryland Systems scientist has won an award by the International Center for Agricultural Research for Development (CIRAD) for the best research summary presented at the first Joint International...
GxE evaluation of salinity tolerant barley genotypes by AMMI model
The highly significant variances due to interaction, environments and genotypes were observed by AMMI analysis of salinity tolerant barley genotypes under multi location trials. The genotypes G6 and G13 with negative IPCA1 values showed positive...
First report of the in vitro nematicidal effects of camel milk
Antipathogenic properties of camel milk have been investigated to substitute for drugs hence overcome drug resistance. The main objective of this present study was to investigate the anthelmintic activity of camel milk in relationship to its...
Financial incentives: Possible options for sustainable rangeland management?
Large-scale mismanagement of natural resources emanating from lack of appropriate policies and reg- ulatory framework is arguably one of the reasons that led to resource degradation and poor livelihoods in many countries in the Middle East and...
Wheat is one of the most important staple crops of global food and nutritional security. The demand for wheat has been increasing substantially with the increasing human population pressure. Wheat genetic resources including crop wild relatives...
SWAT: Agricultural water and nonpoint source pollution management at a watershed scale
Global change and demographic changes increasingly cause water, food, and health problems at many places of the world. In addition, the growth in bioenergy production leads to land-use change and associated environmental impacts. This Special...