Identification and Mapping of Drought Resistance QTLs in Common Wheat (Triticum Aestivum L.) in Terbol ICARDA Station, Lebanon
This thesis was submitted by Choghag Demirjian in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the MSc Degree in Agricultural Engineering at the Lebanese University, under the co-supervision of Dr. Lamis Chalak (Lebanese University) and Dr...
Potential anthelmintic effect of Capparis spinosa (Capparidaceae) as related to its polyphenolic content and antioxidant activity
Capparis spinosa is cultivated for several proprieties and the different parts of the plant (flower buds, fruits, leaf and seeds) have been employed in drugs, foods and cosmetics. This study aimed to explore the antioxidant potential effect and...
Technical Report: Training course on Best practices fo conserving genetic resources and management of genebank - February 8-19, 2016
Genetic resources conservation and sustainable use are pre-requisites for sustainable agricultural development and food security. They are used as sources of valuable genes to develop new cultivars resistant and tolerant to major biotic and...
Influence of plant growth retardants on growth, seed yield and quality in onion (Allium cepa) cv. Pusa Riddhi
A field experiment was conducted at New Delhi during rabi 2013-14 and 2014-15 to evaluate the effect of growth retardants on seed scape height, seed yield and quality attributes in onion (Allium cepa L.) cv. Pusa Riddhi.The experiment consisted...
Improved On-farm Irrigation Management for Olive Growing - A Case Study from Morocco
The key success factors of the olive oil market are the enhancement and stabilization of olive yields, improvement of olive oil quality and reduction of production costs. There is great potential for cost reduction in terms of water saving in...
Effective Selection Criteria for Screening Drought Tolerant and High Yielding Bread Wheat Genotypes
Bread wheat is the major staple food in Morocco. Drought is the most important abiotic stress decreasing yield. Breeding for drought tolerance may be improved by various plant traits. In order to investigate the best selection criteria to...
Fast-track Variety Testing and Release of Rust-resistant Wheat Varieties
In Ethiopia, ICARDA in partnership with CIMMYT and EIAR formulated and implemented two successive projects with focus on stem and yellow rust, which complimented and reinforced each other in order to avert the risks and losses associated with...
Accelerated Seed Multiplication for Deployment of Rust-resistant Wheat Varieties
The chapter presents the approaches, achievements and lessons learned in accelerated seed multiplication of early generation seed (breeder, pre-basic and basic) and large-scale certified seed production by NARS and public and private sector...
Adoption and Impact of Rust-resistant Wheat Varieties on Productivity and Household Food Security in Ethiopia
The chapter presents the adoption and diffusion of rust resistance varieties in terms of area with simultaneous reduction in the number of farmers and area under rust susceptible wheat varieties. Furthermore, factors influencing the adoption of...
Policy and Development Implications and Way Forward
Wheat rusts remain a challenge for wheat production at national, regional and global levels. Empirical evidence shows the emergence of new races and their quick spread across countries and continents with devastating consequences.In response to...