Timely monitoring of Asian Migratory locust habitats in the Amudarya delta, Uzbekistan, using time series of satellite remote sensing vegetation index
The Asian Migratory locust (Locusta migratoria migratoria L.) is a pest that continuously threatens crops in the Amudarya River delta near the Aral Sea in Uzbekistan, Central Asia. Its development coincides with the growing period of its main...
Variation in the straw traits of morphological fractions of faba bean (Vicia faba L.) and implications for selecting for food-feed varieties
Five varieties of faba beans, 4 improved and released variety and one local variety, were investigated for varietal variation in straw yield, nutritive value of straw morphological fractions and grain yield. Samples of the whole plant biomass...
Morphological characteristics and linear body measurements of Doyogena sheep in Doyogena district of SNNPR, Ethiopia
Description of the physical characteristics of livestock breeds is very important for developing a breeding strategy in a particular production system. Doyogena sheep are among the potential breeds of Ethiopia reared in the mixed perennial crop...
Bénéficiez davantage de la production de la fève par la protection des pollinisateurs sauvages
Les cultivateurs à travers le monde investissent beaucoup dans les engrais, les carburants, les tracteurs, les semences et les produits chimiques pour la protection des plantes et consacrent beaucoup de temps et d'énergie au labour, au semis, au...
Influence of Varietal Selection and Treatments on Nutritive Value of Some Pulse Residue
Crop residue (CR) is a multi-purpose resource in the mixed crop-livestock systems of Ethiopian highlands. They serve mainly as livestock feed and inputs for soil and water conservation. They are generated predominantly from cereals and pulses...
Mapping paddy rice planting area in northeastern Asia with Landsat 8 images, phenology-based algorithm and Google Earth Engine
Area and spatial distribution information of paddy rice are important for understanding of food security, water use, greenhouse gas emission, and disease transmission. Due to climatic warming and increasing food demand, paddy rice has been...
Mapping Desertification: Constraints and Challenges
Mapping desertification has proven to be a challenging task. Difficulties derive from its ambiguous definition and the comprehensive integration of various biophysical and socioeconomic indicators that need to be considered in the evaluation...
Démarche innovante pour la création d’une chaîne de valeur "Agneau Barbarin de Sidi-Bouzid"
Le développement de l'élevage ovin à viande a été basé principalement sur certains maillons de la filière plutôt que sur une approche de système de production intégré. En dépit, des efforts déployés pour améliorer ce secteur, la productivité du...
Innovation Platform, Farmers’ Organizations, and Market to Empower Small Farmers Benefit from an Autochthonous Meat Sheep Value Chain Under Low Input Production Systems
Regional development in Tunisian livestock has been based mainly on segments rather than on an integrated system approach and a value chains concept. Even though efforts were made to improve production, livestock productivity is still low (.7...