Antifungal activity of essential oil from Tunisian myrtle (Myrtus communis L.)
The objective of this study was to investigate the antifungal essential oil activity. The InVitro antifungal activity of myrtle essential oil against seven fungi allowed us to specify the corresponding minimum inhibition concentration (MIC) of...
Characterization of strigolactones produced by Orobanche foetida and Orobanche crenata resistant faba bean (Vicia faba L.) genotypes and effects of phosphorous, nitrogen, and potassium deficiencies on strigolactone production
In the present study, characterization of strigolactones (SLs) produced by some Tunisian faba bean genotypes partially resistant to Orobanche foetida Poir. and O. crenata Forsk. was conducted by LC–MS/MS and the results were compared with that...
Adaptability and suitability of local cattle breeds in Egypt: Farmers and actors’ perceptions and practices of the cattle value chain
Egypt, where the mean temperature is expected to increase by 1−1.5°C over the next two decades, is particularly concerned with climate change in the Medi- terranean. Most of the research works on adaptive animal traits have focused on sheep and...
Phenotypic diversity of Greek dill (Anethum graveolens L.) landraces
Dill has multiple culinary and medicinal purposes and the use of their landraces into a plant breeding program, requires the analysis of their phenotypic diversity. In this study, 33 Greek dill landraces collected from diverse areas were...
Farmers' perceptions on improved bread wheat varieties and formal seed supply in Ethiopia
The paper presents smallholder farmers' perceptions on attributes of bread wheat varieties based on primary data collected from 524 households in four major wheat growing areas of Ethiopia. The results indicated high value of attainment indices...
The course conducted by ICARDA focused on the different approaches towards rainfed agriculture, the different conditions that guide us towards solutions, and the interpretation of solutions on long-term sustainability of agricultural production...
Bio-energy, water-use efficiency and economics of maize-wheat-mungbean system under precision-conservation agriculture in semi-arid agro-ecosystem
The maize-wheat-mungbean (MWMb) cropping system is being advocated as an alternative to the traditional rice-based cropping systems of north-western Indo-Gangetic Plains (IGP) to address the is- sues of energy and nutritional scarcity, residue...
أعدت هذه المطبوعة لمساعدة المزارعين المتميزين ومصنعي الألات الزراعية ومختصي الإرشاد الزراعي والباحثين بهدف زيادة معرفتهم بالزراعة الحافظة في الشرق الأوسط وخاصة النواحي العملية في تطبيق مختلف المبادئ الأساسية للزراعة الحافظة في الحقل. وبالرغم من...
A new concept of irrigation response units for effective management of surface and groundwater resources - A case study from the multi-country Fergana valley, Central Asia.
When estimating canal water supplies for largescale irrigation schemes and especially in arid regions worldwide, the impact of all factors affecting the gross irrigation requirements (GIR) are not properly accounted for, which results in...
Conservation Agriculture for combating land degradation in Central Asia: a synthesis
This manuscript reviews scientific findings on agricultural systems, associated land degradation and selected remedies such as Conservation Agricultural (CA) practices to counterbalance these. In particular, this review addresses the research...