Best practices on conservation of plant genetic resources; Plant Physiology and Seed Quality Analysis
Les ressources génétiques du blé utilisées pour l’amélioration génétique et la multiplication servent principalement à étudier la résistance aux insectes et maladies. Au Maroc, le blé est utilisé pour l’alimentation humaine et comme fourrage...
Date Palm Genetic Diversity Analysis Using Microsatellite Polymorphism
Date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) is considered one of the great socioeconomic resources in the Middle East and the Arab regions. The tree has been and still is at the center of the comprehensive agricultural development. The number of known...
Genetic Diversity within a Global Panel of Durum Wheat (Triticum durum) landraces and Modern Germplasm reveals the History of Alleles Exchange
Durum wheat is the 10th most important crop in the world, and its use traces back to the origin of agriculture. Unfortunately, in the last century only part of the genetic diversity available for this species has been captured in modern...
Comparative Agronomy Performance and Reaction to Fusarium Wilt of Lens culinaris X L. orientalis and L. culinaris X L. ervoides derivatives.
The development of transgressive phenotype in the segregating populations has been speculated to contribute to niche divergence of hybrid lineages, which occurs most frequently at larger genetic distances. Wild Lens species are considered to be...
Measuring trust and commitment in collective actions: Evidence from farmers’ marketing organizations in rural Ethiopia
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to explore the theoretical and empirical possibility of measuring trust and commitment in collective actions. Design/methodology/approach The study employs choice experiments to estimate trust implicitly as...
The use of AMMI model for interpreting genotype x environment interaction in durum wheat
Durum wheat (Triticum durum) is one of the most important cereal crops in the Mediterranean region; however, its cultivation suffers from low yield due to environmental constrains. The main objectives of this study were to (i) assess genotype ×...
2016 was the hottest year on record – the third consecutive record-breaking year. It was a sign that we have to act fast to enhance the resilience of dryland farmers, who not only have to contend with more extreme temperatures but also face...
Sustainable management of chickpea pod borer. A review
The pod borer [Helicoverpa armigera Hubner (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)] is responsible for causing up to 90% damage in chickpea due to its regular occurrence from the vegetative growth to the pod formation stage. In order to manage this problem...
Managing rangelands: promoting well-adapted shrub species: Atriplex nummularia: Highly drought and salt tolerant shrub, well-suited for rangeland rehabilitation and for providing quality fodder for livestock when herbage availability is low
Atriplex nummularia is a key feed resource in times when other feed is not available. This plant is grown in arid areas all over the world and is often promoted to improve forage availability. As a result, this plant is easily accessible in many...
Leaf emergence (phyllochron index) and leaf expansion response to soil drying in cowpea genotypes
Drought can result in severely decreased leaf area development, which impacts plant growth and yield. However, rarely is leaf emergence or leaf expansion separated to resolve the relative sensitivity to water-deficit of these two processes...