Hulless barley as a promising source to improve the nutritional quality of wheat products
In this study, efforts were made to utilize hulless barley (variety BHS352) to enhance the nutritive value of chapatti and biscuit made from wheat flour. Barley flour was added to wheat flour in different ratios (5 to 30%). Antioxidant activity...
Role of Sustainable Wheat Production to Ensure Food Security in the CWANA region
Wheat is the world‟s most widely cultivated cereal. By 2050, global demand for wheat is projected to increase by 60%. In the CWANA region which ICARDA is tasked to serve, wheat is the basic staple and food security crop, contributing over 60% of...
Seed germination behaviour as influenced by physical and chemical treatments in Grewia tenax (Forssk.)
Grewia tenax (Forssk.) Fiori is a multi-purpose shrub indigenous to Indian Thar desert. It grows naturally in the wastelands, rangelands and other uncultivated lands during the rainy season, and provides green fodder to livestock for a longer...
Assessing the Impact of Salinity on Resource Use Efficiency in Wheat Production in Central Iraq
The objective of this study is to investigate the impact of salinity on resource use efficiency in wheat production in central Iraq using a cross-sectional database of 270 farmers. A parametric approach used to estimate a frontier of production...
Leaf Expansion and Transpiration Response to Soil Drying and Recovery among Cowpea Genotypes
Sensitivity of leaf expansion to water-defcit conditions could have a major infuence on C assimilation rate and water loss rate under developing drought conditions. While cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L.) is commonly grown in more arid regions...
Selecting Lentil Accessions for Global Selenium Biofortification
The biofortification of lentil (Lens culinaris Medikus.) has the potential to provide adequate daily selenium (Se) to human diets. The objectives of this study were to (1) determine how low-dose Se fertilizer application at germination affects...
Application of remote sensing in estimating maize grain yield in heterogeneous African agricultural landscapes
Maize (Zea mays L.) is the second most commonly grown crop worldwide and number one staple food in Africa where it accounts for more than 50% of the energy requirements. However, despite its widespread cultivation and the significance of maize...
The Moroccan wheat sector: What if there is no more tariff protection?
This paper focusses on testing how a hypothetical elimination of tariffs to imported wheat coupled with changes in productivity would impact on the domestic wheat supply, prices and factor use in Morocco. Having one of the highest per capita...
Genetic variations of HvP5CS1 and their association with drought tolerance related traits in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.)
Delta-1-pyrroline-5-carboxylate synthase gene1 (P5CS1) is the key gene involved in the biosynthesis of proline and is significantly induced by drought stress. The exploration of genetic variation in HvP5CS1 may facilitate a better understanding...
Genetic Analysis of Grain Yield and it's Components for some Populations of Faba Bean
The recurrent selection was applied on four F2 populations of faba bean at Terbol research station (ICARDA)- Lebanon, during 2013 summer season, advanced F3 populations were evaluated during 2013-2014 winter season to estimate the following...