Barriers to Sustainable Land Management in Central Asia
Humans depend on land resources for provisions, and the sustainability of land capital to provide sustenance becomes invaluable with population growth. Agriculture is one of the major economic sectors of the five ‘stans’, contributing about 5%...
Farmers Have Too Low Knowledge to Protect and Benefit from Native Pollinators – Insight from Morocco
In 2016 The Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) showed that agricultural production is now twice as dependent on pol- linators than five decades ago, but pollinator decline accelerates...
Farming with Alternative Pollinators (FAP) Creates High Incentives for Farmers for Pollinator Friendly Agriculture
Currently, environmental research on pollinator decline does not trigger broad protection of pollinators in particular in agricultural landscapes. Prevailing environmental recommen- dations, e.g. seeding wildflower strips in and between fields...
Effects of Temperature Stresses on the Resistance of Chickpea Genotypes and Aggressiveness of Didymella rabiei Isolates
Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) is an important food and rotation crop in many parts of the world. Cold (freezing and chilling temperatures) and Ascochyta blight (Didymella rabiei) are the major constraints in chickpea production. The effects of...
Technical Report on classical and molecular approaches in wheat breeding. 2017 May, Morocco
The objective of this training course it to increase working collaboration with NARS for more efficiency in wheat varietal development, release and promotion.
Importance du BYDV sur orge et avoine en Tunisie et évaluation de l'infection virale sur leur qualité fourragère
Les céréales sont considérées comme des cultures stratégiques en Tunisie de par leur importance économique et les emblavures qu’elles occupent. Les maladies virales plus particulièrement le virus de la jaunisse nanisante de l'orge (BYDV)...
Quantitative trait loci from identification to exploitation for crop improvement
Rapid advances in the fields of genetics and genomics after the discovery of Mendel’s laws of inheritance have led to map many genes/QTL controlling qualitative and quantitative traits in plant species. Mapping of genomic regions controlling the...
Genotypic and phenotypic changes in wild barley (Hordeum vulgare subsp. spontaneum) during a period of climate change in Jordan
Climate change and other anthropogenic disturbances can lead to the loss of genetic variation and thereby affect evolutionary potential and survival of plant populations in the wild. We examined these predictions in the primary wild relative of...
Quantification of Agricultural Water Productivity at Field Scale and Its Implication in On-Farm Water Management
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) is under extreme water shortage conditions. About 80 % of water in KSA is utilized by the agricultural sector; therefore, proper management of irrigation water is required to produce more food from less water...
Water and Food Security in the Arabian Peninsula: Struggling for more actions
Food security is a critical issue for the Arabian Peninsula countries due fast population growth, reduced domestic food production and the tighter global food markets because of trading partners‘ strained export surpluses. Water scarcity is a...