Molecular variance and population structure of lentil (Lens culinaris Medik.) landraces from Mediterranean countries as revealed by simple sequence repeat DNA markers: implications for conservation and use
The Mediterranean region has a rich history of domestication and cultivation of lentil (Lens culinaris Medik.). Landraces have been grown and repeatedly selected by local farmers under different agro-environments. Characterization of molecular...
Adoption and Factors Affecting Farmer’s Adoption of Technologies in Farming System: A Case Study of Improved Technologies in ICARDA’s Arabian Peninsula Regional Program
The main objective of this study is to assess the rate of adoption of innovations introduced by the Arabian Peninsula Regional Program (APRP) of ICARDA and identify main constraints that limit the adoption process of these new technologies in...
Are Development Projects Pursuing Short-Term Benefits at the Expense of Sustainability?
When evaluated purely on financial grounds, most developmental interventions targeting the livestock sector exhibit a positive impact. This study also provides empirical evidence that a project which provided loans to livestock producers in...
Food Legumes and Rising Temperatures: Effects, Adaptive Functional Mechanisms Specific to Reproductive Growth Stage and Strategies to Improve Heat Tolerance
Ambient temperatures are predicted to rise in the future owing to several reasons associated with global climate changes. These temperature increases can result in heat stress- a severe threat to crop production in most countries. Legumes are...
Analysis of crop residue use in small holder mixed farms in Ethiopia
Determinants of the use of cereal and pulse residue for livestock feeding and soil mulching among smallholder farmers in the mixed farming system were analyzed. Crop residue (CR) is dual purpose resources in the mixed crop–livestock systems of...
Allelic variation at high-molecular weight and low-molecular weight glutenin subunit genes in Moroccan bread wheat and durum wheat cultivars
Glutenin is a major protein fraction contributing to the functional properties of gluten and dough. The glutenin constitutes 30–40% of the protein in wheat flour and about half of that in gluten. It is essential to identify correct glutenin...
Technical Report on Training Course Sheep and Goat Production
The main objectives of the course are as follow: 1. To strengthen capacity in livestock research and extension in the field of sheep and goats’ production; 2. To share new advances in the different areas of sheep and goats management (system...
Economic Analysis of the Factors Affecting the Adoption of Sub Surface Irrigation Technology in Iraq
Iraq suffering from leakage in the water resources, therefore it scourging it farmers to adopting new technologies in irrigation. The results showed that the variables (age of farmer, level of education of farmers and source of access to...
Genome wide association studies (GWAS) of element contents in grain with a special focus on zinc and iron in a world collection of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.)
Genome wide association studies (GWAS) were carried out to map Quantitative Trait Loci (QTL) associated with element contents in the grain using 336 spring barley. Of the elements analyzed, Fe content ranged from 21.9 to 91.0 mg kg1, Zn from 10...
Genome-wide association study for agronomic and physiological traits in spring wheat evaluated in a range of heat prone environments
We undertook large-scale genetic analysis to determine marker-trait associations (MTAs) underlying agronomic and physiological performance in spring wheat using genome-wide association studies (GWAS). Field trials were conducted at seven sites...