Chromic and Rhodic Livisols, otherwise knozn as the Red Medterranean Soils or the TErra Rossa, Show marked textiral differences and genetic peculiarities within their profil, Controvesial genetic characteristics observed in Luvisol profiles are...
CART and IDC – based classification of irrigated agricultural fields using multi-source satellite data
To understand water productivity of crops cultivated in the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia, this study was conducted to generate a reliable crop type map using a multi-temporal satellite data (ASTER, Landsat-8 and MODIS) and crop phenology...
Effect of nitrogen fertilizer rate and timing on sorghum productivity in Ethiopian highland Vertisols
Sorghum is cultivated on Vertisols in the Ethiopian Highlands. An experiment was conducted in the Gumara-Maksegnit watershed in 2013 and 2014 to assess the effect of rate and timing of nitrogen fertilizer application on the possibility to...
Towards the conservation of crop wild relative diversity in North Africa: checklist, prioritisation and inventory
Crop wild relatives (CWR) are wild species that are more or less genetically related to crops that can be used to introgress useful genes for improvement of productivity, resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses and quality of cultivated crops...
Opportunities to improve the seasonal dynamics of water use in lentil (Lens culinaris Medik.) to enhance yield increase in water‑limited environments
Lentil (Lens culinaris Medikus) is one of the most important annual food legumes that plays an important role in the food and nutritional security of millions in the world. Lentil is mainly grown under rainfed environments, where drought is one...
Nutritional alterations and damages to stored chickpea in relation with the pest status of Callosobruchus maculatus (Chrysomelidae)
The identification of substitute products for the replacement of wheat flours for paste and bread is a strategy which may help to overcome the wheat yield problems and to meet the huge consumption rates in Tunisia. In this respect, chickpea...
Managing rangelands: promoting native grass species: Stipa tenacissima: nurse species to initiate the process of ecosystem restoration
Stipa tenacissima is a long-lived perennial grass that dominates the Mediterranean Basin steppe, covering more than 2.8 million ha and growing in almost all geomorphological units. The plant seems to prefer calcareous soils that are shallow and...
Estimating Agricultural Crop Types and Fallow Lands Using Multi Temporal Sentinel-2A Imageries
Meeting the food and nutritional demands of ever growing human population will cause immense pressure on agricultural lands and natural resource bases across the world. This challenge can be met only by proper land and water management, which...
Wide crosses of durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.) reveal good disease resistance, yield stability, and industrial quality across Mediterranean sites
Durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.) breeders over the past century have increased the productivity and resilience of this crop via strong selection applied to genes controlling agronomically important traits. Along this process, some of the...