Power to the partners? Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) as an approach for more pluralistic agricultural extension service in Egypt
Agriculture remains a key and sensitive economic sector in Egypt. Given contemporary geo-political concerns that limit access to international markets, it continues to remain responsible for the production of food and fiber needed for a growing...
Molecular and phenotypic diversity of ICARDA spring barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) collection
Plant breeders are interested in using diverse genotypes in hybridization that can segregate for traits of importance with possibility of selection and genetic gain. Information on molecular and agro-morphological diversity helps the breeders...
Breeding Progress for Grain Yield and Yield Related Characters of Kabuli Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) in Ethiopia Using Regression Analysis
The genetic progress in seed yield and yield related characters of 10 kabuli chickpea varieties released by the Ethiopian Chickpea Crop Improvement Program from 1974 to 2017 was assessed during the main cropping season. The varieties were...
Faba bean is mainly grown under rain-fed conditions, although irrigated production is important in Egypt, parts of China and Central Asia. China is the leading producer with a wide range of intensive rotation and inter-crop holistic cropping...
Wheat performance with subclover living mulch in different agro-environmental conditions depends on crop management
Intercropping has been proposed as a useful strategy for reducing external inputs in cereal-based cropping systems, while maintaining adequate crop yield. Intercropping of wheat and subclover, implemented as living mulch, is recommended, but...
Heat Tolerance of Durum Wheat (Tritcum durum Desf.) Elite Germplasm Tested along the Senegal River
The Senegal River basin (Guinea, Mali, Mauritania, and Senegal) is a key agricultural production area in sub-Saharan Africa. Here, rice fields are left fallow during the cooler winter season, when the night temperatures reach 16 °C but the...
Establishing the value of modern seed storage methods for wheat in diverse production ecologies in Nepal
In the developing-country context of Nepal, farmers often incur seed losses of 15–30% due to improper storage. To evaluate the efficacy and costs of modern storage alternatives, experimental trials were set up among ten farmers each in two...
First report of Alfalfa leaf curl virus affecting alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) in Jordan, Lebanon, Syria and Tunisia
The genus Capulavirus (family Geminiviridae) includes plant-infecting single-stranded DNA viruses with circular genomes that have been characterized in most parts of the world (Zerbini et al. 2017). Among the capulaviruses, alfalfa leaf curl...
Calcisols are soils with substantial accumulation of secondary lime and the name of Calcisols derives from the Latin calx which means lime. They are described as “Soils having a calcic or petrocalcic horizon within 100 cm of the surface and no...