Non-cultivated grass hosts of yellow dwarf viruses in Ethiopia and their epidemiological consequences on cultivated cereals
The yellow dwarf (YD) disease complex epidemics in cultivated cereals grown in a specific period of the year mainly depend on the presence of potential reservoir alternative hosts harbouring both the viruses and the vectors over the off‐season...
Political Economy of the Wheat Sector in Morocco: Seed Systems, Varietal Adoption, and Impacts
This book, Political Economy of the Wheat Sector in Morocco: Seed Systems, Varietal Adoption, and Impacts, documents the studies conducted on the wheat sector in general. It also documents the wheat seed system, its adoption and impacts in...
Definition of smallholder Sheko cattle keepers’ breeding objectives through phenotypic ranking and choice experiments in Ethiopia
This study aimed at identifying Sheko cattle keepers' preferences by way of phenotypic ranking and hypothetical choice experiment in their habitat in order to define the indigenous selection criteria. The ranking experiment report was based on...
Challenges in small ruminant breeding programs and resulting investment priorities in Ethiopia
Ethiopia has a large small ruminants population and diversity, which contribute substantially to the livelihood and income of the rural poor and the country at large. However, the sector is faced with various challenges. Productivity per animal...
How to tailor community based breeding programs for small ruminants to pastoral production systems
The predominant small ruminant production system in Ethiopia is at the subsistence level with very low productivity despite a huge potential due to the large animal numbers and genetic diversity. Growing market demand both at local and export...
Role of climate change awareness in sustainable soil nutrient management by smallholder farms in Burkina Faso
Climate change effects are threats to the livelihood of Sub-Saharan smallholder farms. Farmers’ response and readiness to take adaptive measures depend on how they perceive (perception) and moreover understand and recognize the causes (awareness...
Response of arid rangelands to deferred grazing in Southern Tunisia
Rangelands in north Africa and the near east in general provide numerous goods and services that have great economic, social, cultural, and biological values. For centuries, inhabitants of rangelands have engineered pastoral and farming systems...
Technology gap, constraint analysis and improved production technologies for yield enhancement of barley (Hordeum vulgare) and chickpea (Cicer arietinum) under arid conditions of Rajasthan
Agriculture is the mainstay of livelihood in arid region of Rajasthan and improvement in the agricultural productivity is one of the most important strategies to reduce poverty, ensuring food and livelihood security in the region. Moreover, the...
Reducing anti-nutritional factor and enhancing yield with advancing time of planting and zinc application in grasspea in Ethiopia
BACKGROUND Grasspea (Lathyrus sativus L.), an important pulse crop in food, feed and for sustainable crop production systems in Ethiopia. Despite its advantage on nutrition and adaptability to harsh climate and low fertile soil, it contains a...