Women, work, and wage equity in agricultural labour in Saiss, Morocco
This paper documents wages and working conditions for landless female and male agricultural labourers in Morocco. We found that higher-paid equipment-intensive tasks were predominantly assigned to men whereas women often performed lower-paid...
First Report of Cucurbit aphid-borne yellows virus Affecting Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) in Sudan
A total of 204 chickpea samples with symptoms typical of virus infection including stunting, yellowing, necrosis, reddening, and tip wilting were collected during February 2013 and March 2015 from 14 chickpea fields located in Gizera, middle...
Genetic Variation for Tolerance to Herbicide Imazethapyr in Lentil (Lens culinaris Medik.)
Identification of lentil genotypes tolerant to post-emergence herbicides and incorporation of herbicide tolerance in to high yielding varieties can prove a boon for developing effective integrated weed management strategy in lentil cultivation...
Identification and characterization of winter wheat germplasm resistant to stem rust in Kenya and Turkey
A diverse set of winter wheat germplasm was screened for resistance to stem rust in large-scale trials in Kenya and Turkey during 2009-16. The study aimed to select resistant material and characterize types of resistance and possible genes, as...
Impact of grazing on soil, vegetation and ewe production performances in a semi-arid rangeland
Controlled grazing is considered a good management strategy to maintain or increase the live weight of livestock and to reduce vegetation degradation of rangelands. The present study investigated soil characteristics, aboveground vegetation...
Regional-scale monitoring of cropland intensity and productivity with multi-source satellite image time series
In the context of growing populations and limited resources, the sustainable intensification of agricultural production is of great importance to achieve food security. As the need to support management at a range of spatial scales grows...
Assessing the Impact of Salinity on Resource Use Efficiency in Wheat Production in Central Iraq
The objective of this study is to investigate the impact of salinity on resource use efficiency in wheat production in central Iraq using a cross-sectional database of 270 farmers. A parametric approach used to estimate a frontier of production...
Field Assessment of the Mass Trapping Technique for the Control of the Chickpea Leaf Miner Liriomyza cicerina
This work evaluated the chickpea leaf miner Liriomyza cicerina mass trapping technique as an alternative to insecticide spraying. A trap density of 2000 per ha was used. Trials were conducted in Beja during 2015 and 2016 using Nour variety...
First Report on the Occurrence of the Braconid parasitoid Opius monilicornis on the Chickpea Leaf Miner Liriomyza cicerina in Tunisia
Surveys were conducted during 2016 and 2017 in chickpea crops to document the parasitoid species of the chickpea leaf miner (Liriomyza cicerina) in Beja and Kef sites (north-west of Tunisia). One braconid wasp species namely Opius monilicornis...
Salinity Impacts on Environmental Efficiency of Wheat farms in Central of Iraq
A stochastic frontier approach is used for analyzing of the environmental impacts of soil salinity in Iraq. An econometric method based on the neoclassical production theory (stochastic frontier analysis) is transformed to enable the definition...