Durum wheat heat tolerance loci defined via a north–south gradient
The global production of durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.) is hindered by a constant rise in the frequency of severe heat stress events. To identify heat-tolerant germplasm, three different germplasm panels (“discovery,” “investigation,” and...
Fostering an enabling environment for equality and empowerment in agri-food systems: An assessment at multiple scales
Inequalities by gender and intersecting sources of social differentiation in access to resources, exercise of agency, and desirable outcomes persist in agri-food systems in low- and middle income countries. Despite decades of development and...
Advantageous spike-to-stem competition for assimilates contributes to the reduction in grain number loss in wheat spikes under water deficit stress
This study was conducted to investigate the mechanisms of assimilate distribution and sugar metabolism in spike-stem that inhibit the formation of fertile florets and grains per spike in winter wheat under pre-reproductive drought stress. Two...
Genetic structure and ecological niche space of lentil's closest wild relative, Lens orientalis (Boiss.) Schmalh.
Crops arose from wild ancestors and to understand their domestication it is essential to compare the cultivated species with their crop wild relatives. These represent an important source of further crop improvement, in particular in relation to...
Identification of hydrologically homogenous watersheds and climate-vegetation dynamics in the Blue Nile Basin of Ethiopia
Identification of hydrologically homogenous watersheds in the Upper Blue Nile Basin of Ethiopia is challenging due to the large number of watersheds and the lack of consistent and reliable data. Traditional methods, such as expert-based...
Survival analysis of genetic and non-genetic factors influencing lamb survival of different sheep breeds
Data records of 3800 Dorper, Dorper × Menz and Menz lambs born from 2011 to 2023 were used to determine non-genetic factors and to estimate variance components of lamb survival at Debre Birhan Agricultural Research Center, Ethiopia. The traits...
Consideration of the Environment in Water-Energy-Food Nexus Research in the Aral Sea Basin
The water-energy-food (WEF) nexus is a holistic concept used to understand the synergies and trade-offs of interdependent water, energy, and food resources. Despite its widespread use, this concept often overlooks environmental concerns. In...
Disease spectrum and its molecular characterisation in the lentil production system of lower-Indo Gangetic plains
Lentil is a food legume grown in the Indo-Gangetic plains including lower Gangetic Bengal (LGB). Lentil productivity in this zone is severely impeded because of the prevalence of several biotic cues. Plausible reports regarding the status of...
Resistance of Moroccan Wheat Lines Against the Root-Lesion Nematode Pratylenchus Thornei
The root lesion nematode, Pratylenchus thornei, causes high yield losses in rainfed wheat fields in Morocco, as well as worldwide. Growing resistant varieties is one of the most effective methods for controlling nematodes. Therefore, a...
Nutrient limitation of soil organic carbon stocks under straw return
Straw return has been widely used to increase SOC storage globally, but such C accrual is frequently constrained by other nutrients which are needed to maintain soil ecological stoichiometry balance. However, the impact of fertilization on SOC...