Strengthening Knowledge Management for Greater Development Effectiveness - SAUM
The main goals of SAUM are: reorganization of studies, development of new research directions, elaboration of a vast programs for infrastructure development.
Strengthening Knowledge Management for Greater Development Effectiveness - ICARDA CNA Approach
Individual Scoring: Knowledge Sharing Network Is technology (e.g. PCs, communication technology, Internet access) available and allocated appropriately? Can you describe the tools used to support knowledge management? What is the frequency of...
Strengthening Knowledge Management for Greater Development Effectiveness - Procasur
PROCASUR’s KM tools to scale up local solutions: Local Champion (LC) as acknowledged knowledge service providers. The LC are people with valuable practical knowledge in their territories and leading knowledge ex-change processes. Learning Route...
Strengthening Knowledge Management for Greater Development Effectiveness - KariaNet
E-agriculture Strategy: - The e-agriculture Strategy lays down roadmap by which ICT developments can significantly contribute towards achievement of the country’s agricultural vision and development objectives. - A guiding framework to develop...
Strengthening Knowledge Management for Greater Development Effectiveness - IAV Hassan II
Agronomic and Veterinary Institute Hassan II assets: - 2000 students ( 10% from African C.) - 230 researchers - 22 multidisciplinary research units - Specific PHD school - Certified Laboratoires , greenhouses, Clinics - Veterinary hospital...
Strengthening Knowledge Management for Greater Development Effectiveness - ICARDA Comm Plan
Target Audiences: Knowledge managers in participating institutions: strengthening capacities to collect, package and disseminate knowledge more effectively. Main donor: International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD): providing updates on...
A reliable and non-destructive method for estimating forage shrub cover and biomass in arid environments using digital vegetation charting technique
Despite the importance of fodder shrubs to small ruminant diets and production in arid and semiarid ecosystems, they are often not considered when quantifying grazing land potential. This oversight is mainly due to the time consuming and costly...
Managing rangelands: promoting sustainable shrub species: Opuntia ficus-indica (L.) Mill: a sustainable fodder plant for the dry areas
Opuntia ficus-indica (L.) Mill is a drought-tolerant shrubby plant with nutritional and health benefits. Able to acclimate to harsh environments, it can produce fodder with minimum inputs and can be used as a source to fill gaps in the feeding...
Actualmente el cambio climatico es uno de los mas grandes retos que el mundo debe enfrentar, y en el futuro las sequias prolongadas y la desertificacion son los temas - entre otros-, que atenderan muchos paises, especialmente en Africa y Asia...
Alfalfa leaf curl virus (ALCV), which causes severe disease symptoms in alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) and is transmitted by the widespread aphid species, Aphis craccivora Koch, has been found throughout the Mediterranean basin as well as in Iran...