Conserved and Unique Putative Effectors Expressed in the Salivary Glands of Three Related Gall Midge Species
Species in the stem gall midge genus Mayetiola (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) cause serious damage to small grain crops. Among Mayetiola species are Hessian fly (Mayetiola destructor Say), barley midge (Mayetiola hordei Keiffer), and oat midge...
Managing rangelands: promoting native shrub species: Rhanterium suaveolens Desf: a keystone species critical to rangeland structure and functioning
Rhanterium suaveolens is a desert plant endemic to North Africa and is best developed in parts of the sandy plains of the northern Sahara characterized by deep sierozem soils. Due to their attractiveness for various human activities (grazing...
A Case of Need: Linking Traits to Genebank Accessions
Genebanks are responsible for collecting, maintaining, characterizing, documenting, and distributing plant genetic resources for research, education, and breeding purposes. The rationale for requests of plant materials varies highly from areas...
Adoption and Utilization of Cactus Pear in South Asia—Smallholder Farmers’ Perceptions
Livestock production in arid and semi-arid regions is facing the challenges of low and erratic rainfall, poor nutrient soils, and high temperatures, which all contribute to inadequate forage production to support livestock. Under these...
Strengthening Knowledge Management for Greater Development Effectiveness: ICARDA CNA Excercise
Key Assets of Stakeholders 1: Low power / Low interest- this group are those that are not interested in the project and have no real power within the project 2: Low power / High interest- this group are those that are interested in the project...
Strengthening Knowledge Management for Greater Development Effectiveness - CIHEAM Bari
Knowledge Unit Objectives Enhancing job opportunities and social inclusion for youth, through training activities and accompanying paths (MEDABincubator activities) to fostering business culture and the creation of innovative start-ups, focusing...
Strengthening Knowledge Management for Greater Development Effectiveness - INRA
INRA Major Missions: - To carry out scientlfic, technical, and economic research for the development of agriculture and livestock; - To undertake prospective studies, especially those related to natural environment and/or agriculture and...
Target audience The IDIS target beneficiaries include: municipal governments, central governmental agencies, private business, think tanks, accademia, CSO, and mass media outlets. IDIS “Viitorul” consists from a number of integrated teams of...
Strengthening Knowledge Management for Greater Development Effectiveness - IFAD, KM & SSTC
The IFAD Strategic Framework 2016-2025, underlines that IFAD will expand its work in SSTC, in terms of both knowledge-based cooperation and investment promotion as part of core business. How? IFAD strategy for South South and Triangular...
Project Components and Activities Component 1: KM capacity assessment for enhanced formulation of learning needs Activity 1.1: Assessment of knowledge management capacity gaps and learning needs Activity 1.2: Formulation of Approach Paper on...