Review of climate-resilient agriculture for ensuring food security: Sustainability opportunities and challenges of India
Climate Resilient Agriculture (CRA) effectively responds to climate change while contributing to sustainable productivity adapted to local hydro-meteorological conditions. CRA provides resilience to climate variability by enhancing agricultural...
Local agro-industrial by-products offer feasible options to supplement breeding rams in mixed farming systems of Ethiopia
The study assessed the supplemental effect of flushing Menz breeding rams with local agro-industrial by-products on their reproductive performance and semen quality. It recommends the use of wheat bran-based supplementation strategies to enhance...
Estimates of genetic parameters and genetic trends for growth traits in Menz sheep under community-based breeding programs
The main objectives of this study were to estimate genetic and phenotypic parameters for growth traits in Menz sheep under community-based breeding programs (CBBPs). Data used in the study were collected from five Menz CBBPs villages during 15...
Performance of specific CMIP6 GCMs for simulating the historical rainfall and temperature climatology of Lake Tana sub-basin, Ethiopia
This study aims to evaluate the performance of 7 rainfall and 6 temperature products from the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project phase 6 (CMIP6) Global climate models (GCMs) for simulating the rainfall, maximum temperature (Tmax), and minimum...
Advanced prediction of rice yield gaps under climate uncertainty using machine learning techniques in Eastern India
The current study focuses on applying machine learning approaches to forecast future Kharif rice yield gaps in eastern India while accounting for climate change implications. To achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)...
Variability of ENSO teleconnections indices, and its impacts on moroccan agriculture
In Morocco, drought periods have become more frequent and severe due to climate change, which has had a substantial effect on freshwater supply and agricultural output. The El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and the influence of climatic...
Effects of exogenous brassinosteroids on the starch structure, physicochemical properties and digestibility of wheat under high-temperature stress at the early grain-filling stage
The starch synthesis of wheat was seriously affected by high temperature stress, which affected its yield and quality. At the same time, plant hormones are often used to regulate crop production and mitigate environmental stress in times of...
Beer, barley, livestock, milk: Who adopts agricultural innovations in rural Rajasthan?
Research conducted in developing countries in the past 50 years generally suggests that most agricultural innovations (whether technological, social, or financial in nature) end up reinforcing existing socio-economic hierarchies based on gender...
Conservation Agriculture Boosts Soil Health, Wheat Yield, and Nitrogen Use Efficiency After Two Decades of Practice in Semi-Arid Tunisia
Conservation agriculture (CA) has been proposed as a viable strategy to enhance soil health and the resilience of farms to climate change, and to support the sustainability of agricultural production systems. While CA is a well-established...
Methodological guidelines for a rapid appraisal of agricultural innovation systems under agroecology (RAAIS-AE)
The agricultural innovation system (AIS) is an approach that considers agricultural innovation from a multidisciplinary perspective. The Rapid Appraisal of Agricultural Innovation Systems is one of the commonly used operational methods. It...