Sponsorship opportunities at ICARDA’s upcoming international conference on pulses
ICARDA’s upcoming International Conference on Pulses for Health, Nutrition and Sustainable Agriculture for Drylands, in Marrakesh, Morocco, 18-20 April, 2016, presents sponsorship opportunities under various categories.
Expanding rice-lentil system in eastern Indian states
Together with its South Asian partners, ICARDA is pursuing the diversification of cereal-based production systems, adding legumes to the mix. This diversification strategy boosts national nutrition and food security, improves incomes and livelihoods in rural communities, and strengthens the sustainability of cropping systems.
In an interesting research finding, scientists have identified a salt tolerant gene in soybean that also increases grain yield. This opens up possibilities for exploring similar traits in other legumes as well.
Investing in agricultural research for inclusive and sustainable development
IFAD showcased the impacts from its Agricultural Research for Development (AR4D) funded projects at the 39th session of its Governing Council convened in Rome, 17-18 February 2016.
Dr. Samira Asem appointed new Director General of Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research
On Feb 9, 2016, Dr. Samira A. S. Omar Asem, ICARDA Board member, was appointed by the Kuwait Council of Ministers to be the new Director General of the Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research (KISR).
New hope in Egypt for a resilient urban water infrastructure system
In the context of climate change and population growth in Egypt, research findings point the way to the development of a resilient urban water infrastructure system.
ICARDA's Board Member, Dr. Michel Afram, awarded "Ambassador of Quality"
ICARDA's Board Member, Dr. Michel Afram, awarded "Ambassador of Quality" by Business Initiative Directions, a leading organization for promoting quality culture in top businesses worldwide.