ICARDA organized two courses on ‘Field Inspection Methodologies and Its Application’ and ‘Seed Quality Testing’ for participants from the National Seed Administration of Sudan in Cairo, Egypt from 10-14 April 2016.
On the occasion of World Earth Day, ICARDA-led Knowledge Management in Central Asian Countries Initiative for Land Management Phase II project organized a pistachio tree planting event in Bostanlyk district of Tashkent region, Uzbekistan.
Rethinking pathways for agricultural research at Science Forum 2016
The Independent Science and Partnership Council Science Forum 2016 was held from 12-14 April, 2016, in Addis Ababa with the objective of rethinking pathways for agricultural research.
Traveling Workshop in Egypt for effective practices in irrigated farming
A high level Traveling Workshop was organized on April 11, 2016, in the Sharkia Governorate of Egypt by ICARDA, the Agricultural Research Center, Zagazig University, and the Food and Agriculture Organization.
Technologies for African Agricultural Transformation
Technologies for African Agricultural Transformation program, an African Development Bank initiative for transforming agriculture on the continent, was discussed in Ibadan, Nigeria, from 12-14 April.
Multidimensional crop improvement research on grain legumes in Ethiopia
Three Ethiopian MSc. students, who contributed to ICARDA’s research on multidimensional improvement of grain legumes recently graduated from Ethiopian Universities. Tena Alemu and Asemahegn Mersha graduated from Hawassa University under joint...
نداء عالمي لقادة العلوم سعيًا لسياسات أفضل حول البقول
تم هذا الإسبوع افتتاح المؤتمر الدولي حول البقول للصحة والتغذية والزراعة المستدامة في المناطق الجافة لعام 2016 18 نيسان / أبريل 2016، الرباط، المغرب - تم اليوم افتتاح المؤتمر الدولي حول البقول للصحة والتغذية والزراعة المستدامة في المناطق الجافة...
Les leaders scientifiques mondiaux appellent à de meilleures politiques au sujet des légumineuses
La Conférence internationale en 2016 au sujet des légumineuses visant sur la santé, la nutrition et l'agriculture durable dans les zones arides a été lancée aujourd'hui
Le 18 Avril, 2016, à Rabath, Maroc - La Conférence internationale en 2016...
Pulses are Nutrition Rich and Affordable for the Poor
Dilrukshi Thavarajah, assistant professor at Clemson University, USA, sees ICP 2016 as a way to increase awareness of pulses’ nutritional qualities that combat micro-nutrient deficiencies and obesity.
The ICP Hopes to Create a Roadmap for Pulses for the Next 5-10 years
Rajeev Varshney, Global Research Program Director of Genetic Gains at ICRISAT, voices his hopes and thoughts on why ICP 2016 will affect the future of pulses.