Enhancing Genetic Diversity of Lentils and Chickpeas in France
ICARDA, Terres Inovia, and three renowned crop breeders in France, have formed an exciting alliance to enhance the genetic diversity of French lentils and chickpeas.
A delegation to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) from CGIAR underscored the importance of international collaboration at COP28 in tackling climate-smart transformation in food, land, and water systems for future global food security.
Egypt's Agriculture Growth: A Study of the Seed Sector
ICARDA and the Wageningen University & Research (WUR) joined forces to assess Egypt's seed sector and its ability to withstand today's interconnected stresses and ensure food security.
Science workshop on sustainable rangeland governance and restoration in Tunisia and Senegal
Tunisia and Senegal's vast rangelands are crucial for pastoral communities' livelihoods and ecosystem services but face threats such as climate change, land degradation, and others.
Beyond Milk and Meat: Prioritizing Traits That Matter to Pastoralists in Ethiopian Goat Breeding Programs
ICARDA's Resilient Agro-Silvo-Pastoral Systems (RASP) team has published a paper that identifies preferred traits in goats by pastoralists in Ethiopia.
On May 22, 2023, ICARDA hosted a partner field day at its Terbol Research Station in the Bekaa Valley of Lebanon, showcasing its groundbreaking and transformative dryland agri-innovations.
CGIAR's System Board Chair, Professor Lindiwe Majele Sibanda, represented CGIAR at the AfDB's Annual Meetings to update key stakeholders on CGIAR's efforts to support zero hunger in Africa by 2030.