Impact Evaluation of Sustainable Land Management (SLM) in Tunisia: The Efficiency of GIS and Remote Sensing Data
The challenge of land degradation is particularly felt in Tunisia, where soil erosion rate is high and affects 50% of its total surface. The land and water conservation has been the focus of national policies for almost 30 years, With a climatic...
Steering Committee of ICARDA's led Date Palm project in Gulf Countries meets in Doha
The ICARDA-led research project “Development of sustainable production systems for the date palm in Gulf Cooperation Council Countries” was created in 2004 with the aim to improve date palm crop management, post-harvest processing and marketing...
ABC Australia interviews Dr. Andrew Noble, Deputy Director Research, ICARDA
International Center for Agricultural Research in Dry Areas (ICARDA) works in a number of fragile countries experiencing conflicts such as Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan...
How climate-smart technologies from drylands research add value to national climate change plans.
Innovations from agricultural research have solutions that add value to country investment plans tto combat climate change and meeting Sustainable Development Goals.
ICARDA offers a range of tested technologies and practices. They are...