ICARDA expertise helps fragile states and territories' transition after internal shocks have devastated their agricultural production systems. Lessons learned in Afghanistan, Iraq and Palestine could hold the key to future rebuilding efforts in...
Training seeks to enhance research efficiency in Sudan
ICARDA is committed to raising the capacity of agricultural researchers so they can help their countries secure food security and resource conservation targets.
The Director General of ICARDA Mr. Aly Abousabaa visited ICARDA Sub-Saharan Africa Regional Program and Research Platform in Ethiopia on 12-15 June 2017.
IFAD-funded ICARDA project on “Barley-livestock systems for better climate change resilience in Jordan is Iraq is featured in the UNFCCC Technology Executive Committee’s new bried titled “South-south and triangular cooperation on technologies...
ICARDA scientist attends First World Conference on Soil and Water Conservation
ICARDA scientist Dr. Stefan Strohmeier presented the Center’s achievements on restoring degraded rangelands by optimizing mechanized micro water harvesting techniques at the First World Conference on Soil and Water Conservation under Global...
Lebanese Ambassador visits ICARDA’s Research Hub in Morocco
The visit provided an opportunity to emphasize the old ties that link ICARDA to Lebanon, and thank the Lebanese Government for its permanent support to ICARDA.
The challenge of desertification, already big, is becoming even more significant as a growing global population places increasing pressure on productive land.