ICARDA Lead Scientist Wins India Agri-Extension Award 2021
Dr. Chandrashekhar Biradar, Team Leader of ICARDA’s GeoAgro for Sustainable Agroecosystems, was awarded the India Agri-Extension Award 2021 in Innovation in Agricultural Extension.
ICARDA/FLRP’s Dr Reena Mehra wins Research Wizard Young Scientist Award
Dr Reena Mehra, National Associate Scientist (Lentil Breeding) at ICARDA’s Food Legume Research Platform (FLRP), Amlaha, India has won the Research Wizard Young Scientist Award
ICARDA/CGIAR Scientists win the UN’s International Technology Innovation Competition
ICARDA’s Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Team (MEL) and Social, Economy and Policies Team are thrilled to have received an award for innovation in halting land degradation through a tool that helps better inform land planning and the undertaking of restoration activities.
How gender affects patterns of asset ownership and control in Egypt
A recent study conducted by ICARDA’s Gender Scientist Dr. Dina Najjar, published in Feminist Economics Journal, examines the gender dimensions of land and non-land assets ownership in Egypt’s Old and New Lands.
Representatives of ICARDA and ARC visited the Sids experimental station in Beni Sweif on March 22, to inspect key climate-smart and improved crop varieties.
ICARDA's Date Palm project wins Khalifa Award 2021
ICARDA is thrilled to have won the Khalifa International Award for Date Palm and Agricultural Innovation (KIADPAI) in the Second Category: ‘Pioneering Development and Productive Projects.’
How male outmigration affects women’s roles in dryland agriculture
In a recent literature review focusing on agrarian societies in the drylands, ICARDA scientist Dina Najjar and Ph.D. student Jemima Baada at Western University in Canada investigate how outmigration of men affect women's roles in agriculture, as well as the wider effect in different contexts of the dry areas (rangeland, irrigated production and rainfed).
ICARDA’s GCC Date Palm Project Wins Khalifa Award 2021
ICARDA is thrilled to announce that it has won the Khalifa International Award for Date Palm and Agricultural Innovation (KIADPAI) in the ‘Pioneering Development and Productive Projects’ category.
CGIAR Women In Science: shaping the world through science and innovation
This Thursday, ICARDA will join 12 other CGIAR centers in a first of its kind virtual Marathon featuring CG female scientists’ groundbreaking research work.