ICARDA's community-based breeding features on CGIAR 50 Campaign
ICARDA joins CGIAR in celebrating 50 years of innovations and scientific breakthroughs to end hunger and improve human, animal, and ecosystem health under escalating climate challenges.
Syria’s Minister of Agriculture joins ICARDA/FAO field day
Syria’s Minister of Agriculture Eng. M. Hasan KATANA joined ICARDA, FAO, and local farmers to take part in a field day showcasing the ICARDA/FAO seed multiplication project.
Pollinator protection strategies must be feasible for all nations
A recent article By Dr. Stefanie Christmann in Nature.com on pollinator protection shows the urgent need to focus research activities on low- and middle-income countries who cannot afford available schemes.
Techniques to enhance the genetic gain in crop breeding programs
As the climate crisis intensifies, populations grow, disease and pest proliferate, and natural resources diminish, genetic improvement of crops within holistic breeding programs is crucial to reaching global food security. For over 40 years...
Regreening the Deserts: a Solution -- Register Now For The Panel Discussion Webinar
To mark World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought, Cairo’s Heliopolis University, in collaboration with ICARDA and the International Water Management Institute (IWMI), will take part in a panel discussion webinar.
Old knowledge, new techniques – working together to rehabilitate degraded farmland
For World Environment Day, ICARDA scientist MIRA Haddad’s talked about ICARDA’s rehabilitation of Jordan’s rangelands projects at the WOCAT/UN “Restoring Life to the Land” webinar.
Improving Ethiopian Malt Barley in Ethiopia for Better Livelihoods and Economy
A new malt barley handbook published by ICARDA aims at solving challenges surrounding malt barley production in Ethiopia. It compiles key findings from 28 scientific papers authored by partners and stakeholders.
New research published studying plants' diversity in arid and desert rangelands in Tunisia
Newly publish research explains how after an exceptional wet season in Tunisia in 2017/18, ICARDA scientists studied various indigenous rangelands plants to discover their human health benefits and their attributes as feed for livestock and wildlife.
ICARDA scientists participate at the UNFSS Independent Dialogue on Central Asia
ICARDA scientists alongside IWMI and IFPRI and 70 other stakeholders and organisations, participated at the UNFSS Independent Dialogue on Central Asia dialogue framed around the theme “Advancing Water-Energy-Food (WEF) approaches to achieve food systems transformation in Central Asia.”
ICARDA is thrilled to announce that researcher Médiha Khamassi Khbou, studying her Ph.D. in collaboration with ICARDA and lecturer at the Ecole Nationale de Médecine Vétérinaire in Tunisia, has received the Best Poster Presentation award during...