An opportunity for academics, scholars, and policy makers, and water resource experts from all around the world to present and discuss the key issues, plans, and actions needed to respond to the challenges posed by water scarcity.
Geoinformatics application in agriculture and resilience
This course helped participants understand the potential application of remote sensing/GIS applications, and learn general image processing and GIS operations to extract and manage spatial information.
Big data techniques and applications in the agri-food system
Enhanced understanding of big data techniques and applications can create new opportunities for business and science, and assist the development of agri-food systems.
Innovation & youth entrepreneurship In the Mediterranean agro-food sector
This high-level international training course will share methodologies and tools to support youth entrepreneurship and job creation, and boost innovation in the agro-food sector.
Breeding approaches for enhancing genetic gains in grain legumes and dryland cereals
The purpose of this course was to provide training on modern crop breeding tools and techniques to accelerate genetic gain in grain legumes and dryland cereals.
This course aimed to enhance understanding of Big Data; explain its role in ICARDA's research activities; raise awareness about the importance of data collection, storage, curation, and visualization; and improve understanding of relevant legal issues.
2nd TOT on adopting climate change with sustainable natural resource management - funded by UNDP and Japan
This training course aimed to support the adoption of appropriate and sustainable approaches for enhancing agriculture-based livelihoods through an understanding of the key principles of sustainable agriculture, community building, landscape management, and local action plans.
This course highlighted the importance of food loss and waste in current food systems, identified the main actors and critical points along the food supply chain, and reviewed quantitative and qualitative approaches to assess food waste.
International training course for the design of resilient farming systems in face of climate change in dry regions
This training course provided methodologies of systemic analysis that made it possible to integrate different levels (plot, farm, region) into the design and multi-criteria assessment of resilient farming systems.