International Conference on Wheat Diversity and Human Health
The International Conference on Wheat Diversity and Human Health is considered to be a milestone event in Turkey and the region in the fields of wheat diversity and human health, having the attendance of researchers, scientists and industry people from all around the world.
15 October 2019. CGIAR Collaborative Platform for Gender Research is pleased to mark the International Day of Rural Women – by sharing recent and compelling gender research from across CGIAR. A video by the CGIAR System Management Office offers...
PRIMA First Training ‘Strengthening R&I Capacities In SEMC’
7 - 8 October 2019. Academy of Scientific Research and Technology. Cairo, Egypt. PRIMA – Partnership for Research and Innovation in the Mediterranean Area is the most ambitious joint programme to be undertaken in the frame of Euro-Mediterranean...
Integrated impact assessment and designing of Mediterranean agricultural systems in Dry Regions
This international training course follows several doctoral programs organised within SemiArid (ERANET ArimNet, 2017-2020) project, SEAMLESS project (FP6, 2005-2010), the global FSD network (Farming System Design), and then more recently as part...
Options for improving irrigation water efficiency for sustainable agricultural development
2 October 2019. Cairo. IFPRI/ICARDA/IWMI/WorldFish seminar. Options for improving irrigation water efficiency for sustainable agricultural development. The IFPRI-Egypt Seminar Series is part of the United States Agency for International...
Leveraging food systems to combat obesity in the Near East and North Africa (NENA)
23-24 September 2019. Cairo, Egypt. In a joint workshop on "Leveraging food systems to combat obesity in the Eastern Mediterranean, Near East and North Africa regions", the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), and the...
25-26 September 2019. Bagdad, Iraq. Basics of Climate Change and its Impact on Natural Resources: A Modelling Perspective. ICARDA organised a training for officials of various ministries of the Government of Iraq as part of Iraq’s commitments to...
Training course on efficient irrigation techniques and rainwater harvesting
Objective To i ncrease the resilience of livelihoods to threats and crisis in the countries and regions affected by disasters and crisis prepare for, and manage effective responses to strengthening capacities of stakeholders in crisis response...
Training course and field visit on efficient irrigation techniques and rainwater harvesting
Objective: Increase the resilience of livelihoods to threats and crisis for the countries and regions affected by disasters and crisis prepare for, and manage effective responses and strengthening capacities of stakeholders in crisis response...
Strategies towards more sustainable food systems in the Mediterranean Region
15 to 17 May 2019. Palermo, Italy. The 2nd World Conference “Strategies towards more sustainable food systems in the Mediterranean Region: Mediterranean Diet as a Lever for Bridging Consumption and Production, in a Sustainable and Healthy Way”.