Project Name
Improving food security and sustainable natural resources management through enhancing integrated agricultural production systems in the Arabian Peninsula


The expected key benefit from the project will be a significant long-term reduction in both chronic and acute regional food insecurity. This reduction would be achieved through increased numbers of producers having access to technologies and practices and also through government policies and procedures that facilitate access to them. The principal groups of beneficiaries targeted within the project will be farmers and livestock herders vulnerable to food insecurity.


The project main goal is to contribute to Arabian Peninsula countries food security, natural resources conservation and improve the livelihood of rural communities.
The specific objectives are: i. Increase crop and animal production while conserving natural resources. ii. Increase water use efficiency iii. Enhance the capacity of national and extension programs to promote the adoption of targeted technologies and enhanced communication among various stockholders.
Impact pathways
The project has two main missions (outcomes) , i.e. increase agricultural and animal production; Improve water productivity. These will be achieved through a series of strategic planned activities, which fall under specific objectives (outputs) such as: - Evaluation of technology packages suitable for Arabian Peninsula environment to increase crop and animal production while conserving natural resources - Enhancement of capacity of national and extension programs as well as growers to promote and adopt the targeted technologies - Improved technology packages to increase crop and livestock production and productivity, increase water use efficiency and conserve natural resources to be transferred to the end user. The accomplishment of the identified targets will in the long term contribute to: - Increased livelihood opportunities - Diversification and intensification of agricultural systems in ways that protect soils and water - Increased capacity for innovation in partner development organizations and in poor and vulnerable communities.


Saudi Arabia
United Arab Emirates

26, 50.55

29.3375, 47.6581

21, 57

25.5, 51.25

25, 45

24, 54

15, 48

Project Management

Azaiez Ouled Belgacem


Arash Nejatian

