Project Name
Designing effective extension service delivery systems for enhancing wider adoption of agricultural technologies


The project aims at alleviating the three main constraints of the adoption of improved agricultural technologies, namely poor information transfer mechanisms, lack of advisory systems and financial services, and unavailability of timely and adequate inputs. This should enhance wide adoption of sustainable and productive farming practices and hence reduce poverty and increase national food security in Ethiopia.


The overal goal is to improve the livelihoods of rural communities and national food security in Ethiopia by enhancing wider adoption of more sustainable and productive agricultural technologies and farming practices that also help in enhancing resilience to climate change. The purpose is not only one of creating effective extension service delivery systems but also of creating low risk and inclusive credit for scaling these technologies within the project areas and enhance diffusion to others.
1) Developping effective and inclusive extension service delivery system(s) 2) Developping and testing different extension and change-agent profiles, including relevant capacities and skills for process facilitation, particularly for multi-stakeholder processes 3) Designing innovative technology packages including user-friendly, inclusive and low-risk credit delivery systems
Impact pathways
The project will review existing institutions, systems and approaches relevant to agricultural technology promotion and extension in order to develop an effective and inclusive extension service delivery system. An innovative technology package including low risk credit systems, based on the demand for improved agricultural and NRM practices will culminate in a tested best-bet manual. The assessment of the selection criteria for extension agents and the performance of training institutions will result in new –tested- profiles for training procedures, agent selection and MEL. Workshops and policy Ambassadors will ensure improved knowledge and skills of the local partners. The first and primary impact of this project is a change in the mind-set of researchers, extension personnel, farmers, policy makers and the private sector that agriculture in Ethiopia has the potential for transformation. Policy makers are also expected to embrace the new extension service delivery system as a national strategy. The project will result in a wider adoption of new SLM technologies at household and community levels, thus enhancing human and financial capacity strengthening in rural regions. This will induce increased agricultural productivity and improved and sustainable use of natural resources. Sustainable increases in the productivity of crops, livestock and natural resources will help farmers to increase their access to food and generate more income thereby contributing to farmers’ wealth accumulation. This in turn is expected to make farmers less vulnerable to climate shocks and creating a basis for sustainable family livelihoods. Finally the project will contribute to three of the CGIAR system level outcomes: reducing rural poverty, strengthening food security, and sustainably managing natural resources.



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Project Management


Yigezu Atnafe Yigezu


