Ties that Bind: The Netherlands and ICARDA

The Netherlands is one of the few developed countries that have been consistent in supporting development cooperation at levels agreed by the UN and OECD. Every year the country allocates
0.8% of its GNP to poverty reduction programs around the world. and the current focus of its aid policy is to help developing countries achieve the Millennium Development Goals.
A member of the Consultative Group on Intemational Agricultural Research (CGIAR) since 1971. the Netherlands has been a regular donor to agricultural research worldwide and has supported ICARDA
since its establishment in 1977. Through the Intemational Agricultural Center in Wageningen. the country has contributed to strengthening national agricultural research systems (NARS) and regional organizations
through support for regional foro on agricultural research, research activities. linkages between research and development activities. participation and partnerships. and the development of effective information
One of the top 10 donors to ICARDA. the Netherlands contributed over one million US dollars to the Center's core funding in 2004. in addition to supporting various collaborative research projects of ICARDA
and NARS within Central and West Asia and North Africa (CWANA).
ICARD A's mandate region. and providing funds for the various CGIAR systemwide initiatives. The Netherlands also contributes to ICARDA's research through support provided by the European Commission. Thus, the net funding support from the Netherlands to ICARDA's activities is quite substantial.