Caravan 7: Review of agriculture in dry areas

Read in this issue:
a) Poverty—it is also rural, and it is connected with agriculture. And it is perhaps the biggest single threat to the environment in dry areas.
b) Central Asian agriculture is changing. ICARDA is now the focal point for international efforts in research collaboration.
c) China is looking to the future and has just held a meeting with international research institutions.
d) The pattern of agricultural labor is changing. And women are affected most of all.
e) More sheep, more meat, more dairy products—thanks to ICARDA’s work with farmers in Syria.
f) Medics is a good tool for rehabilitating poor grazing land. But where do you get the seeds? ICARDA has been developing answers.
g) ICARDA’s national partners are bringing farmers into the research process.
h) Disney is an ally in the drive to educate the public about agriculture.
i) Agriculture began in West Asia—but how? The past could provide clues to the future.
j) Biotechnology has helped ICARDA to protect the lentil.