Predicted farmer uptake of new agricultural practices: case of silvo-pastoral technologies in Rajasthan, India

The study aimed to assess the rate of adoption of silvopastoral practices and identify main constraints that limit
their adoption in Rajasthan, India using adoption and
diffusion outcome prediction tool (ADOPT) in 2015-16.
Focus group discussions (FGDs) involving farmers and
technicians/researchers focused on discussing four
categories of influence on adoption. Farmers’ FGDs
predicted that the peak adoption rate for any silvo-pastoral
practice in the target area would be 95% after a period of
19.3 years (27.6% and 78.4% after 5 and 10 years,
respectively). However, this predicted peak is expected
to be around 95% after 14.3 years based on technicians
and researchers’ FGD (with a maximum predicted level
of adoption for about 48% and 91.8% after 5 and 10 years,
respectively). The constraints limiting adoption were
highlighted as lack of knowledge, technical information,
socio-economic limitations (benefits are not quick in the
short-term and are labour intensive), risk, and uncertainty
(initial establishment is not cost effective). The results of
this research, and the ADOPT tool, should be of
considerable assistance to policymakers in helping them
to develop comprehensive investment programs. This
will facilitate in addressing constraints limiting the
adoption of these silvo-pastoral practices, contribute to
improve their adoption, and significantly contribute
towards sustainably utilizing natural resources.