Cattle as Live Stock: A Concept for Understanding and Valuing the Asset Function of LiveStock
Published Date
December 01, 2011
Journal Article

Barbara Rischkowsky, John King
Where the main purpose of cattle keeping is not for meat and milk production, their valuation should be based on other functions, which may be deduced from the origin and meaning of the term ‘live stock’. By way of example, the monetary value was calculated of the market and non-market functions of cattle kept on Amazonian smallholdings. These cows were kept primarily for savings and financing.
Marianna Siegmund-Schultze, Barbara Rischkowsky, John King. (1/12/2011). Cattle as Live Stock: A Concept for Understanding and Valuing the Asset Function of LiveStock. Outlook On Agriculture, 40 (4), pp. 287-292.
live stock
non-market benefits