Report on the PhD Dissertation Thesis Mountaha Youssef
Published Date
July 29, 2020

Mrs. Mountaha Youssef is a PhD student at the Holy Spirit University of Kaslik (USEK), Lebanon
and have a fellowship sponsored under ICARDA collaborative project with the Arab Fund for
Economic and Social Development (AFESD) with the supervision of Prof. Saab Abi Saab from
USEK, under the joint collaboration of the Lebanese Agricultural Research Institute (LARI)
represented by Dr. Michel Afram and ICARDA represented by Dr. Muhi El-Dine Hilali
Muhi El-Dine Hilali. (29/7/2020). Report on the PhD Dissertation Thesis Mountaha Youssef.
fatty acid
fat tai
fat mobilization
awassi sheep
milk composition