Detection and Partial Characterization of Milk vetch dwarf virus Isolates from Faba Bean (Vicia faba L.) in Yunnan Province, China

A virus disease of faba bean (Vicia faba L.) in China, characterized by leaf yellowing and rolling and plant stunting, was shown to be caused by a virus of the genus Nanovirus based on serological reactions to nanovirus-specific monoclonal antibodies and the generation of polymerase chain reaction amplicons using nanovirus-specific primers. To identify the faba bean-infecting nanovirus, regions of the DNA components encoding the master replication initiator protein and capsid protein of two nanovirus isolates from China were cloned, sequenced and compared with those of other members of the genus Nanovirus. The two Chinese virus isolates shared nucleotide sequence identities ranging from 95 to 98% with the type isolate of Milk vetch dwarf virus (MDV) from Japan. They were thus identified as isolates of MDV, a virus so far known to cause important diseases of legumes in Japan. This is the first record of MDV-infecting faba bean in China.