ICARDA Strategic Plan 2017-2026 Summary

Published Date
October 31, 2017
ICARDA Strategic Plan 2017-2026 Summary
International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA)

To help break the cycle of poverty, improve food and nutritional security, halt or reverse the alarming process of resource degradation in the dry areas, and help communities adapt to the impacts of climate variability and change, ICARDA’s Strategic Plan 2017-2026 outlines our research and organizational approach for action to achieve our vision of thriving and resilient communities in the dry areas of the developing world.
It lays the groundwork for building on 40 years of past achievements, lessons learned, successful partnerships, and investments at the regional and global levels. The strategy is aligned with the national development priorities of the countries we work in, the wider Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and the Strategy and Results Framework 2016-2030 of CGIAR, with which the Center is affiliated. This Strategic Plan will ensure that the research we undertake and the knowledge we generate continues to be demand-driven, relevant, and aimed at the challenges of smallholder farmers, particularly women and youth.
We recognize that innovation, adaptation, and resilience are key to the future of the organization, just as they are to the future of people in non-tropical dry areas. The ideas are bold and ambitious, and we strongly believe that, underpinned by sufficient resources, they will allow us to achieve the results our partners and stakeholders need and deserve. Cuttingedge, relevant scientific research will spur agricultural transformation and forge a brighter future and better livelihoods for millions of women, men, and young people living in non-tropical dry areas.
We invite you to join us on this journey.

International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA). (31/10/2017). ICARDA Strategic Plan 2017-2026 Summary. Beirut, Lebanon: International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA).
scarce water
strategic plan
capacity development
big data
value chains
gender equality
agricultural biodiversity
goal 1 no poverty
goal 2 zero hunger
goal 3 good health and well-being
goal 13 climate action
goal 17 partnerships for the goals
goal 15 life on land
Goal 6 Clean water and sanitation