Innovation portfolio management for responsible food systems transformation in the public sector: Lessons, results and recommendations from CGIAR

Global food systems are confronted with multifaceted challenges, including climate change, malnutrition, and biodiversity loss, disproportionately affecting the livelihoods of millions, particularly in low- and middle-income countries. Recognizing its potential to address these challenges, innovation is increasingly central in public sector organizations. However, despite growing emphasis, the adoption of innovation portfolio management approaches remains limited.
Drawing on a case study of CGIAR, a global research partnership dedicated to agricultural challenges, this paper seeks to accomplish two objectives. The primary objective is to produce a set of best practices in innovation portfolio management that can benefit public sector organizations. The secondary objective is to demonstrate how this offers an important precursor to guide organizational decision-making and investment towards responsible food system transformation.
An in-depth analysis of CGIAR's approach to innovation portfolio management is based on qualitative and quantitative data from sources such as interviews, observations, documents, and archival records. The study adopts a descriptive case study approach, utilizing an analytical framework that recognizes the importance of methods, mindsets, and mechanisms in describing and analyzing the CGIAR case.
Key lessons encompass the need for a holistic perspective on innovation portfolio management. The paper advocates for the integration of an innovation portfolio management approach within broader (1) organizational processes, including human resources, finance, legal frameworks, and risk management; and (2) innovation systems where food system transformation is the outcome of interactions and partnerships between government, public and private sector organizations.
This study furnishes actionable guidance to public organizations seeking to harness innovation portfolio management for responsible and impactful food system transformation.