ICARDA cohosts 7th Farming Systems Design Workshop

Marrakech, Morocco, October 30 – November 3, 2022 – ICARDA is co-hosting the 7th International Workshop for Farming Systems Design (FSD7-2022) alongside CIHEAM-Montpellier, IAV Hassan II, Institut Agro, and UM6P. FSD7-2022 is an opportunity for key stakeholders to discuss and design a plan for climate-smart agri-food systems for sustainable food and nutritional security in dry areas under a climate crisis.
Dr. Vinay Nangia, Leader of ICARDA’s Soil, Water, and Agronomy research, will chair and speak in a session on managing climate risks in low-input cropping systems through the design of diversified, resilient, and climate-smart farming systems.
Charles Kleinermann, Team Lead of ICARDA’s Capacity Development, will lead a session on how we can transform agri-food systems at scale and the critical roles of research, policy, extension services, and the private sector.
Dr. Aymen Frija, ICARDA’s Senior Scientist and Agricultural Economist, will lead two sessions. Discussion at first will revolve around integrating ecosystem services valuation and trade-off analysis in farming systems design. The second session will focus on the challenges of farming systems design in the drylands of Africa and Asia and the expected outcomes regarding the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the beneficiaries.
Other ICARDA senior researchers will talk about their research and how it can help the farmers in dry areas. Dr. Ajit Govind, ICARDA’s Climatologist, will speak about how digital augmentation can accelerate the sustainable intensification of irrigated wheat-based systems for smallholder farmers In Egypt. This talk is related to ICARDA’s efforts in the One CGIAR Excellence in Agronomy initiative and other precision farming research efforts in other dryland countries. Dr. Mina Devkota, ICARDA’s Cropping Systems Agronomist, will explain her research on some profitable, diversified cropping systems for dry areas with a low environmental footprint. And Dr. Rachid Moussadek, ICARDA’s Senior Systems Cropping Agronomist and Soil Scientist, will use the Excellence in Agronomy Morocco use case to discuss the outcomes of conservation agriculture in rainfed areas of Morocco and how ICARDA and EiA are helping Morocco reach the 1 M ha under conservation agriculture by 2030.
For more information, click here.