Detection of Three Plant Viruses by Dot‐Blot and Tissue‐Blot Immunoassays Using Chemiluminescent and Chromogenic Substrates
Published Date
October 01, 1993
Journal Article

H. T. Hsu, Safaa G. Kumari
Detection of bean yellow mosaic virus (BYMV), impatiens necrotic spot virus (INSV) and lily symptomless virus (LSV) by dot‐blot and tissue‐blot immunoenzymatic assay was compared by using either chromogenic or chemiluminescent substrates. Testing was conducted on infected‐leaf extracts and on purified virus preparations. Both types of substrates gave comparable results with leaf extracts. However, with purified virus, the use of chemiluminescent substrates led to a more sensitive detection of the three viruses.
Khaled Makkouk, H. T. Hsu, Safaa Kumari. (1/10/1993). Detection of Three Plant Viruses by Dot‐Blot and Tissue‐Blot Immunoassays Using Chemiluminescent and Chromogenic Substrates. Journal of Pathology, 139 (2), pp. 97-102.
plant viruses