Phenotypic Characterization for Identification, Conservation and Sustainable Utilization of Boset and Minjar Shenkora Goats of Ethiopia

This study was conducted on a total of 776 goats (part of Central highland goat breeds of Ethiopia),
306 from Boset district of Oromia region and 470 were from Minjar Shenkora district of Amhara
region. A format developed by using food and agriculture organization discerption list was used for
recording of morphological traits, bodyweight and linear body measurements. Both qualitative and
quantitative traits were recorded from randomly sampled mature goats and the data were analyzed
using SAS software. The goat type in the study area was characterized by a higher proportion of
plain coat color patterns (62.5). Ingeneral, the majority (98.4%) of the studied goats were horned
and characterized by backward orientation (67%) with a straight shape (49.3%). They presented a
concave facial profile (73.8%), slop up toward the rump back profile (66.2%), no wattle (99.6%),
no toggle (90.7%), no ruff (85.9%) and no beard (57.3%). The location had a significant effect on
body weight and some other linear body measurements. Traits like body length, rump length, horn
length, head length, head width and shin circumference were significantly higher in Boset district.
In contrast, rump width and cannon bone length were significantly lower. The mean body weight
of male goats in Boset and Minjar Shenkora district were 30.5±1.05 kg with a range of 16 to 47 and
27.5±0.56 with a range of 13 to 57, respectively. While for female counterpart mean body weights
(kg) were 28.4±0.35 with a range of 17 to 45 for Boset and 27.5±0.33 with a range 15 to 57 for
Minjar Shenkora district. Heart girth had the highest correlation with body weight in both sexes and
shoulder width in Boset male goats. The wider variation in most quantitative measurement traits
would open an opportunity for further improvement, conservation and utilization work.