Genetic diversity analysis using DArTseq and SNP markers in populations of Aegilops species from Azerbaijan

Despite a large number of Aegilops L.
species and their diversity in Azerbaijan, a majority of
this genetic material has not been characterized at
molecular levels. The current study has implemented
DArTseq technology to evaluate genetic diversity among
150 accessions of different Aegilops species from
Azerbaijan. A total of 61,574 SilicoDArTseq and
30,433 SNP markers were used to assess genetic
diversity in Aegilops species. Genetic diversity was
measured using Shannon’s genetic diversity index,
which was equal to 0.852. Dendrograms were built to
establish the relationship among Aegilops species. Both
the DArTseq and SNP markers could completely
segregate the U genome species from those with D
genome with high confidence and allowed assigning
most species to separate subclusters. The pattern of
clustering within the Aegilops tauschii Coss. to certain
extent was related to their geographical regions. Genetic
structure among the 150 Aegilops accessions was similar
with the cluster analysis. Two groups were identified in
the studied population, which were exactly corresponded
to two clusters in the dendrogram. Principal coordinate
analysis confirmed sub-grouping obtained by cluster
analysis. The first two principal coordinates explained
82.34% of the total variation. The study reported a
sufficient level of genetic diversity of Aegilops from
different eco-geographical regions of Azerbaijan, which
can be very useful for their conservation and management,
as well as for profitable diversifying the gene pool
of hexaploid wheat.