Strengthening Knowledge Management for Greater Development Effectiveness - INRA

INRA Major Missions:
- To carry out scientlfic, technical, and economic research for the development of agriculture and livestock;
- To undertake prospective studies, especially those related to natural environment and/or agriculture and livestock production systems improvement;
- To undertake, either on its own initiative or at the request of individuals, trials on new crops or crops to improve, and also in general to conduct ali forms of agricultural experimentation related to the development of techniques for the processing and utiliza-tion of plant and animal products;
- Within its field of competence, ensure monitoring and evaluation of research, studies, or other work conducted on behalf of public agencies;
- To ensure dissemination of information on its own research and research carried out abroad;
- To examine and determine scientifically the practical procedures for research results application and to advise extension organes and farmers;
- To market the results of its research and studies.